Thursday, June 16, 2011

Driving through the SNOW

Hi Everybody... Robin here... back in Memphis.

Market was a wonderful experience. I treasure the opportunity to travel with Amy and Jill. On the drive home from Columbus to Memphis, I decided to stitch on the canvas from the Associated Talents' class I took on Sunday.

"Let it SNOW" is one of the Associated Talents seasonal message canvases. I know you have seen some of their other ones: Be Mine, Happy Halloween, Happy Easter...  It is on 13 mesh and measures 8.5"W x 4.5"H. It comes with their stitch guide; Don's ideas are cuter than cute.

In class, I began stitching the background. Carol and Sandy taught an awesome technique for twisting & couching the DMC Memory Thread spelling out the "let it."  Later that evening, I cut my lengths of Neon Rays and straightened them with my flat iron.

(Here's the link to the video I did showing that technique:

Stitching on the SNOW canvas was perfect for the drive home. The 13 mesh is very car friendly. Here's the game that I played. From Columbus to Cincinnati, I stitched on the S. Once we made it onto the other side of Cincinnati, I changed to the N. It didn't matter that I hadn't finished the S...
I was playing a game.

From Cincinnati to Louisville, I stitched on the N.

From Louisville to Nashville, I stitched on the O.

From Nashville to Memphis, I stitched on the W.

A 9-hour car ride was enjoyable and productive. Amy was productive, too. She stitched on both the H and the A of her upcoming THANKSGIVING banner for her Home Study.

Now, I am back home. Time to put SNOW down and pick up the Ghost. He is the last piece to stitch of the NeedleDeeva Creepy Characters series.
I took the finished models to the Rainbow Gallery booth to show Sally.
I asked her if Rainbow Gallery had any "glow in the dark" threads?
I was thinking about making the Ghost special but the inspiration hadn't appeared... until Sally said, "Yes, we have the NEW Neon Rays Plus Glow in the Dark thread." OMG. Can you believe that? I can't wait to use it.

Thanks for letting me share my traveling experiences with you. I'll be in touch soon. Thanks, Robin


  1. Too funny! I always have to drive, so this game won't work for me, sadly. Glad you enjoyed the class and the canvas, sorry to have missed everyone.


  2. Hi Don. Yes, we missed you, too. Carol and Sandy did a stellar job. Looking forward to my next Associated Talents class opportunity. I learn so much from the three of you. Thanks again for your wonderful designs. Robin

  3. Now I know someone who plays "Games" like me with stitching. I play similar games with backgrounds and large areas. I can do a fun area only once I get done with a certain amount of area I find too slow moving or otherwise boring. However, I don't needlepoint in the car. Hard to do when one is also driving. Great to see you and that enthusiastic smile you have.

    Might I add, Amy Bunger was the recipient of TNNA's T.E.N. award. That van was filled with happy ladies and overflowing with talent.

  4. Robin

    Your "snow is another cutie" You talked with Sally who is a doll and used to own My Friend and Eye. Very special gal and used to enjoy seeing her when I went there which was weekly most of the time. She was a great addition to Rainbow Gallery

    You made me laugh when you mentined the game you played. Emily, my granddaughter, and I do that and we are stitching daily now that it is summer.

    Thanks for your peak into Market and Amys well deserved award.

    Sue VanderNoor

  5. Any game that involves needlepoint sounds fun to me!

    Stephanie Ashworth


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