Sunday, August 13, 2017

Beading Wrap-up

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Thought I'd wrap up our conversation on Beading. So far we've talked about Stitch Beading and Bricked Beading. Today we will talk about some other Beading techniques you might want to use on your needlepoint.

Let's begin with Messy Beading. I first heard about this from another needlepoint teacher, Julia Snyder. I'd like to show you how I do Messy Beading. The general concept is to add multiple beads at a time per stitch. Permission given to add the Beads in a random fashion; pile them on, if you wish.

When I was stitching this flower on the "Flowers in a Vase" canvas (ND 311),  I wanted a "ring" of beads at the outer edge of the flower center. I was going for a 3D effect and decided to try Messy Beading. I used size 11 Seed Beads and added 3 Beads at a time per stitch. I really liked the look. Thank you, Julia for your endless creativity.

Messy Beading example
"Flowers in a Vase" (ND 311)

Next let's talk about Piggyback Beading. It is when you have one Bead stacked on top of another Bead. The larger Bead is on the bottom and the smaller Bead is on top... going along for the ride.

When I was stitching the "Lotus Squared" canvas by Zecca (ZE 134), I used the Piggyback Beading technique for the Red Dots. I used size 6 Bead for the bottom Bead and size 11 Bead for the top Bead. What a great way to take deal with dots; letting the Beads do all the heavy lifting.

Piggyback Beading example
"Lotus Squared" (Zecca  ZE134)

Next let's talk about String Beading. This technique can have both ends attached to the canvas or one end attached with the other end loose.

I used the "both ends" secured when I laid down a string of Beads on top of a Ribbon for some extra decoration.

String Beading - secured example
"Lotus Squared" (Zecca  ZE134)

I used the "one end" secured when I made a Tassel with Beads on my "Nutcrackers Christmas Stocking" (Shelly Tribbey CS17). Notice how you can use a combination of Beads (Bugle Beads and Seed Beads).

String Beading - one end secured example
"Nutcrackers Christmas Stocking"
(Shelly Tribbey CS17)

Throw on a Bicone Crystal Bead and call me happy. 😊

Next up: Lasso Beading.  I use the Lasso Beading Technique when there is a single Bead standing all by itself.

Last technique I'd like to mention is the Stacked Beads. This is what I did on the "Sunflower and Berries" (ND 309). You bring the needle up where you want the stack. Add the Beads that make up the stack. Take the needle and thread back down through all Beads (except the top Bead) and give a little tug to make the stack stand up. 

Stacked Beads example
"Sunflower and Berries" (ND 309)

But wait.. there's more. You can add a Bead whenever there is a Tent Stitch. You can use a Bead to attach a Sequin. You can use Beads when making Jessicas. The possibilities are endless.  😊

My last helpful hint is to secure (on the backside of the canvas) the beaded technique before you move to another area. We want to make sure the Beads don't get loose!

Well, that's all for now. Time to see what's for lunch. 

Until the next time... HUGS, Robin


  1. On Facebook, Cindy Heiar said, "Messy beading can also be done with different colors of beads, different sizes and different shapes. It's fun to play!"

    Thanks for the great suggestion, Cindy!

  2. Great ideas, can't wait to try them❣️Thanks

  3. Great review of beading techniques Robin! Thanks.


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