Hi Everybody... Robin here.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for hanging with me... waiting for another blog.
I really wish I could do 2 things at the same time. Since we last met, I stitched the models for the
2 classes I am teaching at the upcoming TNNA in Long Beach:
- Sunglasses Sugar Skull "Elton John" by NeedleDeeva (453-D).
- The Thistle by Zecca (178).
Teaching at TNNA is an honor and thrill. The students are shop owners from across the country. What an opportunity. It is also a lot of work. Stitching under deadlines, assembling donated thread kits, typing the teaching manual, printing the stitch guides, shipping all items to California. But, what an opportunity!
Get your Map of the USA handy and see how many states you can identify. Is you favorite needlepoint shop owner taking the class?
- So far, shop owners from MA, OH, MN, GA, VA, SC, CA have signed up for the Sunglasses Sugar Skull class. And, there are 12 seats still available for the Saturday class, February 2.
- So far, shop owners from KY, VA, MN, FL, TX, HI, MI, SC, MA, OR, and CT have signed up for the Thistle class. And, there are 9 seats still available for the Sunday class, February 3.
Let's talk about the Sugar Skulls. NeedleDeeva came up with some really cute Sugar Skull designs. Lately, I have been focusing on the 5 small ones. Actually, I do have 4 out of 5 stitched. They are at the finisher (Elizabeth Turner Collection in Lexington, KY), and we will be reunited at Market in just a few weeks. Purr-fect timing.
How to pick which Sugar Skull to teach? Talk about a Sophie's Choice moment! But, with any class project, I look for "teachable moments." The Sunglasses on this Sugar Skull were quite endearing, so I picked him. I was glad I did.
Here is the "before" picture:
Sunglasses Sugar Skull by NeedleDeeva (ND 453-D) Comes with Stitch Guide by Robin King |
Here is the "after" picture:
Sunglasses Sugar Skull by NeedleDeeva (ND 453-D) Comes with Stitch Guide by Robin King |
Talk about fun threads: Flair, Glow in the Dark Neon Rays, Petite Sparkle Rays, Petite Very Velvet, Petite Frosty Rays, Neon Rays, Splendor, Sundance Beads, The Collection Sequins, Swarovski 6MM Margarita Crystal Beads, Kreinik size 8, Kreinik Hot Wire, DMC Memory Thread, DMC Floss, and River Silks Ribbons. I kept saying over and over again, "If not on a Sugar Skull... when!
So, what was the "teachable moment" for the Sunglasses Sugar Skull? The Appliqued Flair technique for his sunglasses.
Appliqued Flair chart diagram from ND 453-D Stitch Guide by Robin King |
Have you ever done Appliqued Flair? It was taught to me several years ago by Amy Bunger. We also featured it in "Barely There"; DVD #6 from the How'd You Do That? series. The idea is to stretch and tack down with one strand of floss (applique) the Flair across a surface. No under stitching is necessary; thus the concept of "barely there."
The trick is to work across the surface, tacking as you go, working in a Zig Zag sequence which best uses the stretch of the Flair. After all, we do call Flair "Barbie's pantyhose."
Here's the group of the 4 Sugar Skulls being finished. Can't wait for Judee/NeedleDeeva to see them.
Sugar Skulls by NeedleDeeva Stitch Guides by Robin King |
Next time, we will talk about The Thistle.
Until then... Hugs, Robin