Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Remember me? It’s your old friend.

Hi everybody... Robin here.

Oh, how I have missed you. Since the invention of Facebook and Instagram, I have forsaken this blog. My last entry was 2018? My! how time flies. I do apologize.

This weekend I finally posted the stitch guides I wrote for classes in 2022, 2023, and 2024. You can see them on the Stitch Guides by Robin King page in the blog. 

The stitch guides are grouped by Designer and have now available added to their listing. There is still no "Shopping Cart" so the best way is to email me at

I am still traveling and teaching at needlepoint shops across this great country. My next outing is CANVAS 2025 in January. Pat and the Mews still keep me grounded. I have started up quilting again on Sundays.😊

I will do my best to not be such a stranger. Until the next time… Hugs. Robin

Thursday, April 19, 2018

12 new stitch guides from Robin King

Hi Everybody.... Robin here.

I have finally emerged from the Cone of Silence! So sorry to have been away so long. Nothing going on but teaching, traveling, taxes, and writing stitch guides.

I'm traveling back tomorrow to The Nimble Needle - Atlanta for another weekend of Canvas Enhancement classes. Lucky me.

Here are the 12 new stitch guides for their class featuring designers including Charley Harper, Susan Roberts/Liz Tapestry Tent, Labors of Love, Melissa Shirley Designs, Devon Nicholson Designs, The Collection Designs, Maggie Co, Ewe and Eye & Friends, Sandra Gilmore, Lani Needlepoint Designs, and Janis Mattox/CBK Collections. If that's not eclectic... I don't know what is!!! 😊

new Robin King stitch guides

new Robin King stitch guides

Ever need a stitch to drift and show movement? Try the Movement Stitch. I have it charted with each row separated by 1 canvas thread.

Movement Stitch
charted by Robin King

I've found another good Instant Pot recipe: Cheeseburger Pasta. Be sure to check out the "365 days of Slow Cooking + Pressure Cooker" website for daily do-able tasty recipes.

Here's the link:

Well, time to finish packing. Thanks for visiting the blog. I promise I won't be gone so long.

Until the next time... HUGS!  Robin

Friday, February 9, 2018

Robin, new stitch guides and 365 Days of Recipes

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I'm packing my books, stitch guides, pens, paper, readers/magnifying glasses to teach Canvas Enhancement classes at The Nimble Needle in Sandy Springs, GA this weekend.

new Robin King stitch guides

So, no blogging for me on Sunday. I will catch up with you when I get home. 😊

But, I did want to mention a nice blog compliment I received when I was teaching at Canvas, a needlepoint adventure in Montgomery, AL last month.

It was at the Meet 'n Greet and a lady came up to me and said, "Your blog has been very helpful for me." I humbly said, "Thank you." She then said, "The needlepoint content is nice, but your discussion about the Instant Pot was life changing."  I smiled and said, "I know, right!" ... I was so pleased to find another fan of the Instant Pot.

Instant Pot... a stitcher's best friend.

So all of this to say... I found a fabulous website to follow. It is called "365 Days of Slow Cooking + pressure cooking."

Here's the link: 

The recipes are wonderful and Karen (the blogger) offers both Slow Cooker/Crock Pot and Instant Pot/Pressure Cooker versions of the same recipe. Brilliant!

Wonderful recipes!

You can sign up to get daily emails. Recent offerings include Instant Pot Chicken Margherita Pasta... Sausage Pepperoni Spinach Ravioli... Broccoli Cheddar Soup reminiscent of Panera Bread's broccoli cheddar soup. YUM! Her recipe library is inspiring with easy to follow recipes. Great photos, too.

If you want to review my previous Instant Pot writing, click here.

Here's a stitch for you, too.  Happy Valentines Day to all.

Well, until the next time... HUGS!  Robin

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Robin teaches at Canvas 2018 in Montgomery, AL

Hi Everybody. Robin here.

Wow, it's been 3 Sunday's since I've last blogged. Time sure does fly in the needlepoint world!

I've been gone to teach at the Canvas, a needlepoint adventure in Montgomery, AL. It was one week filled with fun; lead by Leigh Miller (owner of the Needle Bug) and her co-leader, Julia Snyder.

This was the first year for Canvas. For several years, Leigh Miller and the Needle Bug were the "on-site" needlepoint shop for Callaway Gardens. When Callaway closed their doors last year,  Leigh Miller took a leap of faith to create the next needlepoint adventure.

Leigh and Julia invited several national needlepoint teachers to offer 4-day and 2-day classes for the Canvas attendees. Tony Minieri, Barbara Elmore, Julia Snyder, Mary Legallet, Patricia Sone, Debra Rowley, and Robin King (hey! that's me 😊) were the teachers. There were 101 attendees from the US, Bermuda, Canada, and England. It was a slam-dunk home run needlepoint event at the Renaissance Hotel in Montgomery, AL.

Canvas began with the opening night meet-n-greet; there were 2 bus trips to the Needle Bug for shopping sprees and Bug Shots, and a special expedition to the Alabama Shakespeare Theater where the Carolyn Blount theater, prop and costume departments were explored. What a jewel for Montgomery and regional residents.

Katt Z. Witch (KCN 9125)
stitch guide by Robin King

For the 2-day class, I taught the Katt Z. Witch class. We learned the 3D Basket technique as well as the many stitches for this Halloween beauty. It was also the "magical" day when it snowed ❆ in Montgomery, AL. This is the view from our classroom looking out  to the street below...

Snow in Montgomery, AL.
 and towards the downtown and the Alabama River.

Canvas 2018 included a snow event.

For the 4-day class, it was a Charley Harper bonanza of canvases. I offered the over 45+  Charley Harper stitch guides for class selection. We had 18 students make 24 selections. We had attendees from all over. I brought the USA map to showcase where everyone came from.

Canvas 2018 participants for the Charley Harper class.

California, Dallas, St Louis area, southern Illinois area, Memphis (me!), Charlotte area, Atlanta area, costal Florida, costal North Carolina, Massachusetts, Canada, Bermuda, and England were ALL in the house! Talk about another feather in the ol' Canvas cap. 😊

As you can imagine, my Charley Harper class attendees received 2 well-deserved Travel Trophies.

Over sea and land Long Distance traveler, Ann Nobbs.
Ann Nobbs (from England) won the all over Travel Trophy.

All the way from California! Here's Jennifer Rhatigan. 
And, Jennifer Rhatigan (from California) received the North America continent Travel Trophy covering the contiguous US and Canada land mass.

What a fine selection of Charley Harper canvases!
It was a happy class (duly noted by Judy H, Atlanta, GA) and how could it not be? Charley Harper's art is very happy... and fun to stitch, too. Many thanks to all who attended my classes.

Canvas 2018 classes with Robin King

I am hoping to teach next year at Canvas 2019.

4 day class with Robin King
Winter-Christmas and/or Fall-Halloween... your choice

The 4-day class will be stitch guides offered on either Winter/Christmas or Fall/Halloween topics. Your choice! How fun is that?

2 day class with Robin King
Needlepoint Study Hall comes to you.

The 2-day class will be Needlepoint Study Hall... bring your canvas and threads from home (finally! your stash pays off), and let me show you techniques and stitches to get those projects finished.

Be sure to check out the Canvas website.
Here's the link...

and follow them on Facebook.
Here's the link...

Big thanks to the "behind the scenes" people who made Canvas a success: the staff and friends from the Needle Bug including Janet, Amber, Amy, Charlsie, Hammond, Heywood, Marsha, and Laurie as well as the staff/management from the Renaissance Hotel. You put on a hell of a party! Job well done.

Well, that's all for now. I'm home from teaching at Quail Run Needlework, too. Next blog will catch up some of the fun stitches and pieces from the class.

Until then...  Hugs, Robin

Sunday, January 7, 2018

A new design from A Poore Girl Paints

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Do you ever have a slogan in your head?... a re-occuring saying which applies to you on a daily basis?

Do you think to yourself, "This saying would make a great needlepoint pillow!"

Do your pets look at you... trying to connect intellects? (I'm often the one missing the connection in this scenario.  >^..^< )

My sister stitched a certain needlepoint canvas years ago... well, actually now decades ago!... and I've been looking for the same message to stitch. Alas, to deaf ears.

A Poore Girl Paints has made my dream come true! Looks what just came off the designer's painting table!!! 😊

What part of MEOW do you not understand?
by A Poore Girl Paints

I can't wait to stitch the MEOW version.

... and to not leave out the Dog lovers out... there is one for you, too... WOOF!

What part of WOOF do you not understand?
by A Poore Girl Paints

A Poore Girl Paints is available thru individual needlepoint shops. If you don't have a local needlepoint shop, contact Leigh at or call (334) 270-0064. Wholesale inquiries can be sent to or call (334) 270-0064.

When I get my canvas on the bars, I will have an impromptu "stitch along" with Robin. It will be fun to hold the needle again!

Thank you, Amy Poore!

Until the next time... HUGS!  Robin

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year from Robin

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Happy New Year from me to all of you.

2017 has been a good year. I made it thru the traveling/teaching schedule, and wrote 115 new stitch guides.

In 2017, I traveled to Scottsdale, AZ (2) (Quail Run Needlework); Sandy Springs, GA (3) (The Nimble Needle-Atlanta); Montgomery, AL (2) (The Needle Bug); Everett, WA (The Needlepointer); Northbook, IL (North Shore Needleworks); and Amelia Island, FL (The Bristly Thistle).

Robin King
2017 Teaching Destinations

I have proudly maintained my Delta Miles ✈ Silver Medallion status.  😊

I saw old friends and met new friends at each teaching location.

In 2018, I will return to those destinations and add a few more. Gulp! Time to get busy!!

Robin King
2018 Teaching Destinations

New to the list for 2018 and returning to the schedule: Montgomery, AL (CANVAS: a Needlepoint Adventure); Smokey Mountains, TN (Stitch with a View); and Ada, MI (Peacock Alley Needlepoint).

You can always check my Teaching Schedule by visiting this tab on the blog: Robin's Teaching Schedule.

Wishing us peace and all creative talents for this new year!

Masterfully stitched by Susan Brimmer
Enhancement classes at The Nimble Needle-Atlanta

"Angel playing Flageolet "stitch guide by Robin King

Until the next time... HUGS, Robin

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Robin and the Winter/Christmas stitch guides

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

For those of us in the northern hemisphere: Happy Winter Solstice! And, in keeping with tomorrow: wishing you the best Christmas Joy.

I was visiting my family (Mom, 2 sisters, 2 brothers-in-law, 3 cats) last weekend; thus the reason for no blog. (Did you miss me? 😊) On Sunday, I was back at the LEX airport waiting for a plane that never arrived from ATL due to their untimely mess. All was good with me. I called my family and they gave me another night's stay. My Memphis departure was 6:25AM Monday, this time thru LaGuardia. Talk about a Manhattan Transfer! I made it home on Monday afternoon. All was good.

I have compiled a list of my Winter/Christmas 🎄 themed stitch guides. Aren't they festive?

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Melissa Shirley Designs

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Kelly Clark, Zecca, Burnett & Bradley,
Alexa, Amanda Lawford, Associated Talents,
Anne Brinkley, Annie Lane

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
CBK Needlepoint, Chris Roberts-Antieau,
dede Ogden, Eye Candy Needleart,
Kirk & Bradley, Labors of Love Needlepoint

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Labors of Love Needlepoint,
Maggie Co, Melissa Prince Designs,
The Meredith Collection, Painted Pony Designs,
Raymond Crawford, Rebecca Wood Designs

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Rebecca Wood Designs,
Rishfeld  Designs, Sandra Gilmore,
Machelle Somerville

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Susan Roberts/Tapestry Tent
Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Susan Roberts/Tapestry Tent,
Strictly Christmas

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Shelly Tribbey, Brenda Stofft,
Julie Mar & Friends, Sew Much Fun

If you are interested in any of my stitch guides, you can email me at

While visiting my family, I took a photo of Midge's tree. It is very beautiful and is a resplendent showcase for all of the needlepoint ornaments she stitched over the years.

Needlepoint ornaments from top to bottom.

Here is a closeup so you could see an example of her finished Light Bulb ornament. Very clever.

The finished Light Bulb ornament is all its glory.

The Willow Stitch Variation (\) could be a nice Light Bulb ornament stitch. Just turn the diagram so it runs north-south.

Here's a stitch for you!

Another fun Light Bulb ornament stitch would be from the Byzantine family. Imagine how clever you will be when you use only threads from your stash!

Here's a stitch for you!

My Christmas to-do list is just about finished; a wee bit of baking and then I will be done.  😊😋

Until the next time... HUGS!  Robin