Sunday, December 31, 2017

Happy New Year from Robin

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Happy New Year from me to all of you.

2017 has been a good year. I made it thru the traveling/teaching schedule, and wrote 115 new stitch guides.

In 2017, I traveled to Scottsdale, AZ (2) (Quail Run Needlework); Sandy Springs, GA (3) (The Nimble Needle-Atlanta); Montgomery, AL (2) (The Needle Bug); Everett, WA (The Needlepointer); Northbook, IL (North Shore Needleworks); and Amelia Island, FL (The Bristly Thistle).

Robin King
2017 Teaching Destinations

I have proudly maintained my Delta Miles ✈ Silver Medallion status.  😊

I saw old friends and met new friends at each teaching location.

In 2018, I will return to those destinations and add a few more. Gulp! Time to get busy!!

Robin King
2018 Teaching Destinations

New to the list for 2018 and returning to the schedule: Montgomery, AL (CANVAS: a Needlepoint Adventure); Smokey Mountains, TN (Stitch with a View); and Ada, MI (Peacock Alley Needlepoint).

You can always check my Teaching Schedule by visiting this tab on the blog: Robin's Teaching Schedule.

Wishing us peace and all creative talents for this new year!

Masterfully stitched by Susan Brimmer
Enhancement classes at The Nimble Needle-Atlanta

"Angel playing Flageolet "stitch guide by Robin King

Until the next time... HUGS, Robin

Sunday, December 24, 2017

Robin and the Winter/Christmas stitch guides

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

For those of us in the northern hemisphere: Happy Winter Solstice! And, in keeping with tomorrow: wishing you the best Christmas Joy.

I was visiting my family (Mom, 2 sisters, 2 brothers-in-law, 3 cats) last weekend; thus the reason for no blog. (Did you miss me? 😊) On Sunday, I was back at the LEX airport waiting for a plane that never arrived from ATL due to their untimely mess. All was good with me. I called my family and they gave me another night's stay. My Memphis departure was 6:25AM Monday, this time thru LaGuardia. Talk about a Manhattan Transfer! I made it home on Monday afternoon. All was good.

I have compiled a list of my Winter/Christmas 🎄 themed stitch guides. Aren't they festive?

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Melissa Shirley Designs

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Kelly Clark, Zecca, Burnett & Bradley,
Alexa, Amanda Lawford, Associated Talents,
Anne Brinkley, Annie Lane

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
CBK Needlepoint, Chris Roberts-Antieau,
dede Ogden, Eye Candy Needleart,
Kirk & Bradley, Labors of Love Needlepoint

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Labors of Love Needlepoint,
Maggie Co, Melissa Prince Designs,
The Meredith Collection, Painted Pony Designs,
Raymond Crawford, Rebecca Wood Designs

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Rebecca Wood Designs,
Rishfeld  Designs, Sandra Gilmore,
Machelle Somerville

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Susan Roberts/Tapestry Tent
Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Susan Roberts/Tapestry Tent,
Strictly Christmas

Robin King stitch guides - Winter/Christmas
Shelly Tribbey, Brenda Stofft,
Julie Mar & Friends, Sew Much Fun

If you are interested in any of my stitch guides, you can email me at

While visiting my family, I took a photo of Midge's tree. It is very beautiful and is a resplendent showcase for all of the needlepoint ornaments she stitched over the years.

Needlepoint ornaments from top to bottom.

Here is a closeup so you could see an example of her finished Light Bulb ornament. Very clever.

The finished Light Bulb ornament is all its glory.

The Willow Stitch Variation (\) could be a nice Light Bulb ornament stitch. Just turn the diagram so it runs north-south.

Here's a stitch for you!

Another fun Light Bulb ornament stitch would be from the Byzantine family. Imagine how clever you will be when you use only threads from your stash!

Here's a stitch for you!

My Christmas to-do list is just about finished; a wee bit of baking and then I will be done.  😊😋

Until the next time... HUGS!  Robin

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Some of Robin's Favorite Christmas Things

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

We are in the 2-week countdown until Christmas 🎄. Yikes! How's it going for you?

I thought I'd get into the Christmas mood and share with you a few of my favorite things.

First up is this delightful stocking stitched and finished by Fran Tylavsky.  The canvas name is Woodland Territorial Santa (TTAXS440) from Susan Roberts Needlepoint; artist, Liz Goodrick-Dillon. Fran attends my local needlepoint classes at Stitchers Inc in Memphis, TN. She recently became a first-time grandmother, and William is the lucky boy for this stocking.

William is a very lucky boy!
Lovingly stitched by Gran Fran.

Fran stitched and finished this stocking this year... in only 8 months (our first class time was April 1, 2017) all while still working her full time job! Here's one of my photos from our class taken 04/01.

Woodland Territorial Santa

Here's one of my favorite things: Teri Ambriz Snowflake Design.

Teri does Snowflakes right!

Teri is a member of the Facebook Needlepoint Nation, and she is a very prolific stitcher. One of her finished pieces had this delightful background. I diagramed it and it is now part of my stitch guide repertoire. Thanks, Teri for your inspiration!

Every holiday/season needs a special cocktail, and my favorite December go-to is from Chef Mario Batali.

Persephone cocktail
One of my favorite things!

It's called Persephone and has 4 wonderful ingredients: Gin, Rosemary simple syrup, pomegranate juice, and a squeeze of lime.  The Gin & Rosemary play nice together, and the Pom color is very festive. Don't be afraid of making the Rosemary Simple Syrup. It really is simple and Chef Mario includes the how-to, too. Here's the link to Mario's website.  It's a must have for those who do.  😊

Need a quick little stitch? Try the Christmas Trees! Very festive.🎄

A stitch for you!

Last, but not least: Christmas Lights. Brilliant idea.💡

Christmas Light by Midge King

My sister, Midge, designed and stitched a bunch of these for her Christmas tree. She used the same stitch different across the color families.

Christmas Lights by Midge King

Once done, then she selected another stitch pattern and made another set. Great way to work with your stash. Here's another idea: you could even make the Lights from the threads of your project you worked during the year. 😊

Well, that's all for now. Would love to hear from you.

Until the next time. HUGS!  Robin

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Robin meets A Poore Girl Paints Needlepoint Design

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Last week we talked about teaching at The Needle Bug in Montgomery, AL. I met one of their customers, Amy Poore, who was taking my class. Very vivacious and engaging. A fun person to be around ... and a talented stitcher, too.

Turns out, Amy is also a needlepoint designer. Her company is A Poore Girl Paints. Clever name, right? 😊  I'd like to introduce her to the viewers on the Needlepoint Study Hall blog.

A Poore Girl Paints

I asked Amy how she started her needlepoint design business, A Poore Girl Paints. Here's what she said...
"I started stitching about 3 years ago and around a year ago I started painting things for myself - things I couldn't readily find available. I found that other people liked those types of designs as well. I really wanted to bring Needlepoint to the next generation, and I think my canvases relate to that generation, along with other generations. I've started also teaching beginner Needlepoint classes to my friends in hopes of finding new people to fall in love with my favorite addiction."  Amy Poore, owner
How lucky are we to have Amy's fresh vision and passion join our needlepoint industry!

A Poore Girl Paints is available thru individual needlepoint shops. If you don't have a local needlepoint shop, contact Leigh at or call (334) 270-0064. Wholesale inquiries can be sent to or call (334) 270-0064.

While I was teaching at The Needle Bug, new canvases from A Poore Girl Paints had just arrived from the painting service. It was like Christmas 🎄, Valentines 💘, and Halloween 🎃 all rolled up into one thrilling reveal! Here are a few which caught my eye.

Merry Christmas
A Poore Girl Paints

Happy Fall Y'all!
A Poore Girl Paints

Gone to the Beach
A Poore Girl Paints

Beach Sunglasses
Cityscape Sunglasses
A Poore Girl Paints

(Note, I added the Watermarks to the canvases to protect her designs while on the Blog. Of course, your canvases will come pretty without Watermarks.)

A Poore Girl Paints is very savvy with social media. (I'm taking notes, Amy. 😊) Look for her on Facebook as well as Instagram. You will want to follow for sure! Here are those links:

A Poore Girl Paints on Facebook

A Poore Girl Paints on Instagram

A Poore Girl Paints has been in business for a few years; check out her website and see all of their designs. Amy covers the holidays as well as modern-day messages. She's keeping us youthful and relevant... and that's a good thing! 😊

Life is Short.
Eat the damn cake.
A Poore Girl Paints

Until the next time... HUGS!  Robin

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