Friday, February 9, 2018

Robin, new stitch guides and 365 Days of Recipes

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I'm packing my books, stitch guides, pens, paper, readers/magnifying glasses to teach Canvas Enhancement classes at The Nimble Needle in Sandy Springs, GA this weekend.

new Robin King stitch guides

So, no blogging for me on Sunday. I will catch up with you when I get home. 😊

But, I did want to mention a nice blog compliment I received when I was teaching at Canvas, a needlepoint adventure in Montgomery, AL last month.

It was at the Meet 'n Greet and a lady came up to me and said, "Your blog has been very helpful for me." I humbly said, "Thank you." She then said, "The needlepoint content is nice, but your discussion about the Instant Pot was life changing."  I smiled and said, "I know, right!" ... I was so pleased to find another fan of the Instant Pot.

Instant Pot... a stitcher's best friend.

So all of this to say... I found a fabulous website to follow. It is called "365 Days of Slow Cooking + pressure cooking."

Here's the link: 

The recipes are wonderful and Karen (the blogger) offers both Slow Cooker/Crock Pot and Instant Pot/Pressure Cooker versions of the same recipe. Brilliant!

Wonderful recipes!

You can sign up to get daily emails. Recent offerings include Instant Pot Chicken Margherita Pasta... Sausage Pepperoni Spinach Ravioli... Broccoli Cheddar Soup reminiscent of Panera Bread's broccoli cheddar soup. YUM! Her recipe library is inspiring with easy to follow recipes. Great photos, too.

If you want to review my previous Instant Pot writing, click here.

Here's a stitch for you, too.  Happy Valentines Day to all.

Well, until the next time... HUGS!  Robin

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