Thursday, April 19, 2018

12 new stitch guides from Robin King

Hi Everybody.... Robin here.

I have finally emerged from the Cone of Silence! So sorry to have been away so long. Nothing going on but teaching, traveling, taxes, and writing stitch guides.

I'm traveling back tomorrow to The Nimble Needle - Atlanta for another weekend of Canvas Enhancement classes. Lucky me.

Here are the 12 new stitch guides for their class featuring designers including Charley Harper, Susan Roberts/Liz Tapestry Tent, Labors of Love, Melissa Shirley Designs, Devon Nicholson Designs, The Collection Designs, Maggie Co, Ewe and Eye & Friends, Sandra Gilmore, Lani Needlepoint Designs, and Janis Mattox/CBK Collections. If that's not eclectic... I don't know what is!!! 😊

new Robin King stitch guides

new Robin King stitch guides

Ever need a stitch to drift and show movement? Try the Movement Stitch. I have it charted with each row separated by 1 canvas thread.

Movement Stitch
charted by Robin King

I've found another good Instant Pot recipe: Cheeseburger Pasta. Be sure to check out the "365 days of Slow Cooking + Pressure Cooker" website for daily do-able tasty recipes.

Here's the link:

Well, time to finish packing. Thanks for visiting the blog. I promise I won't be gone so long.

Until the next time... HUGS!  Robin

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