
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Hear Ye... Hear Ye...

Hi Eveybody... Robin here.

I'm the Town Crier today... it's my pleasure to spread the word.

First of all, here's a message from Amy regarding the Eyelashes for the Haunted House:
  • "The eyelashes that I used are the ones in the upper right-hand corner of her picture. They will all look good but people always want to know which ones." -- Amy Bunger

Also, in the comment section of Cat Walk, Melinda had a question about the Peyote Beading on Dr. A's coffin. I am posting Melinda's question with Amy's answer as it might be helpful for others when they get to that point of their stitching:
  • Melinda:  "This is off topic but I am struggling with the peyote beading on Dr. Acula's coffin. I understand the concept of what we are doing with each row of beading but I can't translate that into actually doing it. My beads on the second row will not stay in place at all. After about 4 attempts tonight on the second row, I am just not "getting it". Amy's instructions are quite detailed but if there are any other suggestions or hints, I would appreciate hearing them. Thanks!"
  • Amy Bunger:  "The second row of the peyote beading is the hardest. I also had problems keeping the line straight. Will try to give advice from memory. Put a finger of your left hand under the string of beads to lift them off of the canvas and help to stabilize them. Aim the needle up or down away from the beads as you slide it through each bead on the return trip. Hang in there....I really mean it, the second row is totally the hardest to do. In row three the beads stay pretty much where they are supposed to, making it a piece of cake. After row three I wished that there were more rows to work!"

In my world, last evening I stitched the Harvest Fairy's wings. Today I am working on her face.  She is looking pretty good. Once I got her dress and boots finished, she started to have confidence in me and eased up her attitude. 
preview of Harvest Fairy

Just as a reminder, the Harvest Fairy is the new Melissa Shirley/Debbie Mumm canvas (MSD DM-09) which will be released in the January 2011 TNNA Long Beach Winter Market. I will be teaching her canvas at the Market, as well as my Stitch Guide will be available through Melissa Shirley Designs.

Well, that's all for now. Enjoy the weekend. Thanks, Robin


  1. That preview looks great, Robin. Can't wait to see more!

  2. Robin

    As always I am in awe of you and Amy. Your enabling skills are wonderful and a birdy told me Jane, of Chilly Hollow is so very proud of you. I loved the last Witch (3rd) you showed us a week ago and now a Melissa Shirley design., Can hardly wait!!!

    Sue VanderNoor

  3. Don't feel bad, Melinda, I can't get the beading for the handles either. So, needless to say, I still have them to do. Can't decide what to do so I did nothing...yet. Judy
