
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

News and Mower News

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Hope everyone's Halloween was their best, ever.

Looks like Melinda's Bride Z. Illa and Zomme B. Groom came back from the finisher. Awesome! You can see them on her blog as well as the group shot (including Stirha and Frank) on her mantle. Great job, Melinda.

My head has been down; blinders on... stitching on the Harvest Fairy. Deadlines, I tell you... deadlines. But... I am so pleased to say... she's DONE. Tonight I will begin writing her Stitch Guide. She's a cutie, if I say so, myself. I do hope her handlers (Melissa Shirley and Debbie Mumm) are equally pleased. Fingers crossed.

The TNNA website has posted the two classes I will be teaching at the Long Beach 2011 Winter Market.  Here's the link to the Zecca/Bird & Worm class (8AM - 10AM, Saturday, January 8, 2011).  Here's the link to the Melissa Shirley/Debbie Mumm/Harvest Fairy class (8AM - 10AM, Sunday, January 9, 2011).

(If you click on the links you can see a preview of the canvases... I'm not saying... I'm just saying!)

Each class has limited seats of 20; open to the Needlepoint Shop owners attending the Market. So, if you know someone who will be attending the Market... give them the heads-up about my classes. Regular Registration for TNNA members is now open thru December 16, 2010... then the price goes up. It's an affordable class and it comes with an awesome Thread Kit.

My Stitch Guides will be available from Zecca and Melissa Shirley Designs... talk about your powerhouses! It is really an honor to stitch their designs. Here's an excerpt from one of the stitch guides: the Oak Leaf. I thought, being that it is November 02... it would be a fun thing to share with you in the Needlepoint Study Hall. Enjoy!

Here's some more news... the day after the Market, I will be traveling to Needle In A Haystack (Montrose, CA) to teach a one-day class, NeedleDeeva's Heart #150G. How exciting is that! Here's their website so you can see the announcement of my class. Jody, the owner, is a wonderful lady, and I am most excited for this opportunity. For those of you within the sound of this blog, come join me at the Needle In a Haystack (Montrose, CA), Tuesday, January 11, 2011.

Have you noticed the title of this blog entry: News and Mower News... I'll explain. This summer, during grass cutting season, Pat went to get some Mower gas. He also got some gasoline for his car. There were 2 same-day credit card charges reflecting these transactions. Everything was fine. The next day, he got a courtesy phone call from the Credit Card company; they noticed the transactions. They asked him, "Were you shopping at the QuickMart?" "Yes," he replied. "I got Gas." They said, "and then..." He said, "I got Mower Gas." The Credit Card person thought he was being a smart-a##... but actually, it was a case of mistaken "Southern Drawl." He said Mower Gas.... their heard More Gas. We laugh about it, even today... bwahahhahaha.

Well, we will try to not be such strangers this month. Peggy says things are getting better and thanks for all of your thoughts.  Best news, ever. Thanks, Robin

1 comment:

  1. I envy the shop owners who will have the opportunity to take your classes. I just happened to see the designs online :) Love the Harvest Fairy! I can relate to Mower News - we Southerners tend to draw out our prononciations. I guess that's why they call it a drawl. I'm glad to hear things are looking up for Peggy - we miss her!
