
Sunday, June 27, 2010

I had to share...

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I just had to share what's going on in my world -- right now ... Sunday, Memphis, TN 1:34PM. 

I am at the computer ... typing up the current Stitch Guide I am working on (Maggie Co.'s "I Love Cupcakes" M-1169). But, in the next room, is Pat (my guy!) the drummer, and his 2 new band mates are Tony and Philip. They are going to be playing in Memphis, TN on July 7th at a local club called The Side Car. And, guess what else... it's gonna be Biker Night!  Woohoo!

I'm going to recruit my fellow Needlepointers to come join me and let "our" hair down that evening. Yes. I'm going to invite Peggy, Jill, Amy, Amy's Golden Strand et al, and my Saturday Needlepoint Group. I might even post on Facebook. I think the Bikers and the Needlepointers will be a perfect fit: embroidered patches, you know.

Now, ya'll must know (yes, I know... I live in Tennessee, via California, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, New York, Miami, Oklahoma ... and I had to say y'all): these guys sound GREAT! Who knew 3 guys could ROCK? I mean... the Beatles had 4 guys. Man, am I the luckiest girl? My toes are tapping!

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday. You've gotta love my private concert.
It's Fab-ulous!


  1. Woo Hoo sounds great to me. Wish I lived closer.... I would come and listen. I would love it.
    Getting ready to do some stitching with my Granddaughter, who is becoming quite the stitcher. She is a music lover too!!!! LOL

    Have a great Sunday and week to all at Amy's and to all the stitchers

    Sue V

  2. Thanks, Sue. Glad to hear from you.

    Pleased to hear about your Granddaughter joining you & our Stitching World. We are glad to have her. Is she blogging? Can you post her needlework or a photo of the both of you? How lucky for her to have you to assist with the Needle. Hugs to you and the newest stitcher. Rock & Roll! Robin

  3. I am delighted to share in your excitement Robin, it's resonating all the way across the Internet! What fun you'll have, maybe I'll sneak a peek via Facebook, sounds like I might need to turn down the volume??? Have a wonderful time.

  4. Hey! No fair! How come we couldn't have this concert when the Stitching Sisters were in town! We're jealous that the crowd is getting together without us! Although I am having trouble envisioning Linda in a Biker Bar ;)

    Best of luck!! Denise

  5. I know! It would be awesome if the stars lined up for Pat's gig and Amy's gig. OH well. I'm hoping for a turnout of Needlepointers, and hope to take a photo or two. Glad you are home safe.
