
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What a face!

I have given my bride her face.  I am off one stitch, but it stays in.  Also, the skeleton side of the face didn't match the charted design, but my canvas may have been painted differently than Amy's.  It still works.  Just cover the white areas with the stitches provided.  It is just a little different.  I don't think the groom will even notice.

Then I tackled the veil.  It is a little tedious, but looks good.  I should have done the background rings before the veil in order to have a better place to bury my threads.  I did some L stitches in the area of her hair instead, since that will be covered completely.  There is a row of black that surrounds the bride.  I chose to leave that alone, but I did cover the gold tips on the veil.

I just may finish her in time for the wedding!


  1. She's looking lovely! I definitely prefer her skin side to the skeleton side. At least you didn't do what I did and grab the Whitewash perle cotton to stitch the skeleton side. It took me a while to realize what I had done although I knew that I wasn't happy with the way the skeleton was looking. I just couldn't figure out why until I needed the perle cotton for her arm and leg bones. I, too have wondered about the black outline of the veil. That remains unstitched? I worked on the bouquet last night and loved playing with the Sparkle Rays to make the bow. What a great technique. The bouquet with the bow adds a nice dimension to the piece. Thanks for your tip about stitching the background rings before working on the veil. I've already "fixed" her hair so using that area to anchor threads is out for me. Hope the groom isn't late for the big day!

  2. Hi Melinda,

    I don't recall if Amy stitched over that black outline. I do intend to stitch over that black line when I put in the background.

    The groom is getting ready. You all should be meeting him soon!

  3. Hi, Peggy...I finished our bride and Frank as well, finally. They are both wonderfuk and lots of fun! Am now trying to get caught up with the house...lots of detail to do but I'll get it done.I also am ready to meet our groom. Judy

  4. Way to go Judy. You should be meeting the groom next week.

  5. Felicidades te han quedado muy bonitas todas tus labores, gracias por compartir a través de las fotografias.

  6. Rosali, thank you for your comment.

    She roughly said: "Happiness very pretty all your works have remained you, thanks by sharing them your photography."


    "Your work is pretty, thanks for sharing the photographs"

    Thank you Robin for the translation
