
Monday, June 28, 2010

Here comes the groom.

Hello everyone.  Yes, the groom will be at your homes soon.  He is being fitted for his coffin,
er...shipping box, this week.   He is wearing his finest duds.  HE thinks he looks so cool.  We'll see what the bride thinks.   

I have been working on a piece for my second grand-niece.  It will be a Christmas present, and I decided to devote the rest of the month to getting it done.  She is currently 4 months old.  I visited her last night.  She was already in bed, so I spent a few minutes watching her sleep.  Her three year old sister likes to play hide and seek, but she asks you where she should hide while you are counting to 20.  She says her sister cannot yet count to 20 because she has no teeth. gotta love um.

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