
Friday, December 3, 2010

Have Stitch Guide, Will Travel • Tour 2011 begins

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

All systems are go for me to teach at the Long Beach January 2011 TNNA Market. Well, at this moment, it looks like my classes are going to make the selection cut. The TNNA stable of teachers received a friendly reminder from TNNA to publicize their classes; the intention was to remind Shop owners about the classes and to get folks to sign up.

So, if you are reading this blog... AND are a Shop Owner going to the January 2011 Market, I'd like to remind you of some deadlines. First of all, I believe the regular registration deadline for signing up for classes is fast approaching.  December 16, to be exact. After that is late registration with increased class fees.

I found out my 2 classes are on a good sign-up pace. Bird & Worm (ST109) has 1 seat remaining. (Yippee!) Harvest Fairy (NT109) has 5 seats remaining. (Woohoo!) How about that! So, this is a shout out to those who might want to take my classes at Market. Hope to see you in Long Beach.

Here's some more fun things to share with the Needlepoint Study Hall readers. After the Market, I am going to be teaching at TWO needlepoint shops in California. On Tuesday, January 11, 2011, I will be at Needle In A Haystack/Montrose, California teaching the NeedleDeeva Heart #150G. You can read previous NSH blog postings about the NeedleDeeva Heart by clicking on the Previous Topics on the right column of this page. Here's the finished model as a reminder:

Then on Wednesday, January  12, 2011, I will be at A Stitch In Time Needlework/ San Marino, California teaching both Bird & Worm (#ZE-107)  and Harvest Fairy (MSD DM-09). My traveling repertoire is expanding. So honored, indeed. So, if you are in the area of either of these shops, sign up! I'd love to meet you.

Speaking of the Bird & Worm, here's another fun thing to share: Zecca made some custom Feet for the finished model. How cool is that? I'm having it finished as a Stand Up. Then, I began thinking... Zecca  could make some awesome Fimo Clay Feet. After all, that's what she does! So I mentioned my request, and poof... cute FEET arrived in the mail. I will share the final photo with you, later... but for now, here's the Feet.

Well, that's all the news so far. I saw Peggy a few days ago. I know she misses everyone. She's being a good daughter, and that's the most important thing right now. It's my pleasure to keep you kids entertained until she returns to Needlepoint Study Hall. 

Thanks, Robin


  1. Tell Peggy I feel for her, being in the same boat myself. Otherwise, congratulations on have the perfect feet and on all the teaching success! Have fun teaching and traveling and come home with lots of tales and photos for us stay-at-homes.

  2. Hi Robin,

    Congratulations on all classes! I know everyone who taffies your classes are going to love you. Love the feet. Cannot wait to see the finished piece.


  3. Hi Jane. Good to hear from you. Thanks for everything. I will enjoy sharing my upcoming travels with the NSH blog readers. Best for you and your mom.

  4. Hi Linda, thanks for your kind words. I think the Feet will be the perfect finishing touch for a whimsical design. That Zecca... she's awesome. I hope to have the finished photo by the end of the month. Fingers crossed.

  5. Dear Robyn,
    Could we get Zecca to do the feet for Halloweenies?

  6. Hi Janice.

    That sounds like a wonderful idea. Zecca distributes only to Needlepoint Shop Owners... so you could have Amy's (for example) contact her for the order. Probably any LNS should be able to contact Zecca for the Feet.

    Here's her website:

    Be sure and share the final result with us. We'd love to be your Bragging Station.

    Thanks, Robin
