
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Felting Childhood Memories

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I treated myself to a birthday present: a book called Pocketful of Posies, A Treasury of Nursery Rhymes by Salley Mavor. I don't remember where I first saw this book; surely, on someone's blog. has this book as well as her other Felt enhanced books. Check them out here.

excerpt from Pocketful of Posies by Salley Mavor

It was fun getting re-acquainted with my Childhood Nursery Rhymes. Some I remembered... some I never knew. The Felt Work and Embroidery is enchanting. It really spoke to my heart. Such a talented lady, Salley Mavor.

I've done some Felt work attached to my needlepoint. Have you? It's fun to do. Not too expensive. I've used the Craft Felt from the craft/art store; I've used the Weeks Dye Works Wool Felt, too. I'd like to share some of my pieces with you.

Felt Dolls added to Nutcracker Santa's Bag
Design by Dmarj

Pumpkin Head made from Felt with Embroidered Features
Design by Melissa Shirley Designs

Indian Girl and Felt Doll
Series stitched by Maelyse Webb/ Memphis, TN
Design by Rebecca Wood
Robin made the Indian Girl for Maelyse

Kitty Bra and Tap Pants
Felt Bra
Design by SharonG

Add some Felt to your needlepoint and reconnect with your childhood.

Thanks, Robin


  1. Charming! I bet it is as easy as using Ultrasuede and cheaper, too.

  2. Hi Jane. Good to hear from you. Speaking of Ultrasuede... I've signed up to participate in Squaredance by Orna Willis in January 2011. It will include squares of Ultrasuede. Looking forward to it.

  3. Robin, is today your birthday? It is mine so I was wondering if we shared one. Of course I am an old person (yikes, 53 this year) but still love to celebrate. I signed up for Squaredance too and am looking forward to working on it. Love the book and the great felt ideas you showed us.

  4. Happy Birthday to you, Carol. Mine was yesterday. Squaredance will be fun, indeed. Hugs to my fellow Sagittarius.

  5. Happy Belated birthday, Robin. I have been trying to figure out how to get your blog noted on mine. Still haven't seen how it is done, but as time permits, I will solve this dilemna.

    I LOVE your stitching. I would love to live near you to pick your brain!

    Thanks for the comment. PLEASE DO stop by. Are your classes full?

  6. Hi Patt,
    I made some notes and will email you on how to add the blog link. I don't know the status of the classes because TNNA has changed their website info. Oh, well. Ever hopeful for a sell out. Thanks, Robin
