
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

M and the DMC Memory Thread

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I've made more progress on the Mewtopia donation item. I have taken photos of how I formed the M... thought you might like to see how EASY it is to work with the DMC Memory Thread.

I pre-cut the various segments of DMC Memory Thread to make the M. You can see I have 6 segments cut. Later I realized I still needed one more, but the photo was already taken. Oops... sorry. The DMC Memory Thread is a thin, thread-wrapped copper wire; you will still want to use Utility Scissors for cutting... not your good needlepoint scissors. I also used a Trolly Needle as well as Tweezers for poking and plunging through the canvas.

The next photos are showing the sequence for making the M. I started close to the E, and worked towards the Left which gave me a relative perspective for spacing. Each of these segments are still loose. I haven't secured any of the letters yet.  It is easy to remove and re-space, if needed.


I will check & double check (with fresh eyes) before I begin securing the DMC Memory Thread to the canvas. First, I will couch them in place using 1 strand DMC Floss 310; then I will secure the ends to the back of the canvas. Again, this is a real fun technique to do. Have you thought about adding some DMC Memory Thread to your needlepoint?

The DMC Memory Thread comes in 18 colors. I found a nice PDF chart from DMC showing their colors and the best matching DMC Floss. Here's the link.

Next time I should be wrapping up this Mewtopia Wine and Whiskers Silent Auction donation item.  It has been fun to share my experience with the Needlepoint Study Hall viewers. Thanks, Robin


  1. This is going to be darling when finished, Robin. Good luck getting to the finish line in plenty of time!

    Jane, also stitching a purse to a deadline in CH

  2. Thanks for all of your encouragement, Jane. I really enjoy stitching in tandem with you. Your Mermaid Purse is W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L. You're the best!

  3. I only found the Memory Thread a few days ago; I had heard of it but hadn't been looking. I bought all the colors they had, and just love it. I especially love the effect created when using it to form lettering and can't wait to use it. Wonderful meow!

  4. Madonna, you are going to love the Memory Thread. Don't forget to print out the PDF showing the Memory Threads colors and their intended Floss companions. It's a handy reference guide. Looking forward to seeing what you do with them on your Front Range Stitcher blog. Thanks, Robin

  5. Robin, I have some odd shapes in a canvas piece that need to be outlined but I haven't done that yet. Would the Memory Thread be good for that? They are oblong, rounded with a point on one end. Is there some kind of guide on how to use it? Thanks, love the MEOW! I may need to do something like that for a purse for myself.

  6. Hi Carol,
    I believe the DMC Memory Thread would be perfect for your outline. You could couch it down along the perimeter using 1 stand of matching DMC Floss. OR, couch it down with an accent thread and a decorative stitch.

    Do you see how I used several segments for the individual letters? I did that because I wanted clean crisp lines. For an outline, you might use 1 long continuous line. Or, you might find a transition point to end one line and begin the next. The Memory Thread is so wonderful, and very forgiving.

    Be sure to let us know how it goes for you. Thanks, Robin

  7. Thanks for the link Robin!

  8. You're welcome, Jeanne. We love to share what we learn in Needlepoint Study Hall.

  9. Hi Robin!
    I'm the other Robin, the guest blogger from Pocket Full of Stitches. Thank you so much for your comment! I LOVE your donation item and what a great way to use your talent! Your blog is FABULOUS! I've been "lost" in it for over an hour now! Looking forward to more!
    Happy Stitching!

  10. I have not seen the back of your item to see how the ends will be secured. I've tried 526 glue to secure the ends from fraying but they pulled off the wire anyway. Any suggestions?

  11. Hi Suzanne,
    Here is how I secured the wire to the back of the piece. First, I bend the 1" end section flat against the back of the canvas. Then I whip stitch it to the canvas. When I get to the last 1/2 end, I fold it back onto itself and whip stitch again to the canvas. Hope this helps. Thanks, Robin

  12. That's a great idea for securing the ends. Thanks very much. Suzanne~
