
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Here comes the bride/Green bottom border

I started on the bride today.  The bottom border with the skulls/bridesmaids is the first item to be stitched.  I had a little trouble with the compensation.  After examining the stitch for a while, I decided to do the top row of little stitches to make sure I got to the other edge ok.  If you get to the end of the border and are compensating the small stitch, you are off .  It should count out even.

Then I worked each area between the bridesmaids.

I wasn't sure about the compensation around the rat, so I did what looked positive and left the other areas open.  I would rather go back and fill in than go back and take out.

As I saw how the charted rat was going to fill in, I could go back and fill areas I wasn't sure of.

There we are.  No, I haven't done the bullion knots for his tail and ears yet.  Still practicing!

I had hoped to finish skulls, but I can't find the thread for the eyes, nose and mouth in my Halloweenies threads.  Of all the thread I have in this house, where could it be.   Well, I know where I can get some more!

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