
Monday, September 5, 2011

HUGS from Robin

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Well, I heard back from TNNA. They said, "Thanks, but No Thanks" for me teaching in Phoenix 2012. Perhaps, I should have submitted 2 or more canvas candidates for their choices. Anyway... currently, I have enough on my plate, and will try again for teaching in Columbus 2012.

I am still going to proceed with the intended class canvas. I had discussed it with a few Shop Owners while in Baltimore; they liked the concept as a class for their customers. One thing about teaching at TNNA, it does open doors for other teaching opportunities at shops across the country.

So... what am I stitching? It is a NEW canvas from artist, Gayla Elliott, and distributed by Alice Peterson Company. Gayla has a nice group of Sayings canvases. You can see them on her website: Gayla Elliott Designs.

I asked Gayla for a new saying; one which I would write the stitch guide. She agreed. My mind was spinning all over the place. What message did I want to send?

I began remembering all of the sayings my Dad said to me:

  • I never chew my onions twice.
  • I'd rather owe it to you than cheat you out of it.
  • You can lead a whore to Vassar but you can't make her think.

My Dad was a clever man. Witty and funny. Each of those sayings molded me into who I am today; however, they are might be too long for this needlepoint assignment.

So... what is my saying?  HUGS. It is my Term of Endearment. I keep "Love" for Pat. I get confused about the XOXO or is it OXOX (?)... so I usually leave that one alone. But, HUGS... feels good and lets people know I am embracing them with all of my good energy and care. 

I will keep you posted on my HUGS progress. I've been auditioning stitches and have settled on a concept for the stitch guide. There are lots of options when working with a blank/unpainted canvas... which is the beauty of this next project. It is an affordable canvas with an open color palette... just right for creative stitches, too. And, the message is straight from my heart.

Thanks to Gayla/Gayla Elliott Designs and Cathy Rapoza/Alice Peterson Company for giving me this creative opportunity. 

Hugs, Robin


  1. I look forward to your progress. I know you will create something fabulous!

  2. TNNA doesn't know a good thing when they have it. Next year! Many Hugs to you.

  3. Well, I'm sorry to read your disappointing news, Robin. But you know what they say about one door closing - another one opens! I'm sure you will have many other good things come your way in 2012. I think the "Hugs" canvas is perfect for you. Can't wait to see what you do with it!

  4. Thanks for the kind words from Deby, Diane and Melinda. No fault. No blame. Actually, TNNA has a wonderful stable of teachers; very lucky for them and the attending Shop Owners. I'm glad to have had the opportunities and will continue to submit entries in the future, too. I am very glad to have the blogging experience.

  5. Darn. Silly TNNA. Yay for the shops, though. They are on top of things, especially since I know this will be fabulous.

    We are eager to see what you do with all that blank background!

    Jane, waving from CH

  6. Agree with Jane. Hope you'll be back at Ruth's or some place around Philadelphia. I'll be there when you come, that's for sure.

  7. Thanks, Jane and Palma. It's nice to have you both in my corner.

  8. I agree with all that has been said. TNNA's loss is the gain of the smart shops who have already expressed interest on FB. BTW, while "Hugs" is the quintessential Robin; I love your father's Vasser saying. You've just gotta put that one on canvas!

  9. Hi Robin! I love Hugs, too. Didn;t get many as a child, so they are very important to me now! I also
    LOVE your phrase, "Auditioning Stitches"! So perfect
    for what we go through placing stitches! Love it!
