
Monday, August 29, 2011

Photo Session with Lana, Leo and the Creeps

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Has everyone survived the hurricane? Irene was a doozy. Glad she's gone. So sorry for all of the damage and lost lives. I did enjoy spending my moments with Jim Cantore on the Weather Channel. He's dreamy. And, did you know he is Vicky De Angelis' cousin? How cool is that?

While I am waiting to hear if TNNA is going to select me for teaching at Phoenix 2012, I have been tending to other deadlines. I am designing an ad for NeedleDeeva/Creepy Characters for the November/December Needlepoint Now magazine.

I had two helpers during the photo shoot: Lana and Leo. This was their first "official" photo shoot.

Lana was very busy checking out all of the props.

Lana loved the Feather Wreath.

Leo chilled. He knows how to work the camera.

Initially I set up my tall Halloween Tree for the Creeps backdrop but changed my mind to a different tree. Yes... I have 4 trees (!) plus a black feather wreath so it was easy to change things out. In fact, I ended up using my Martha Stewart Halloween Tree. Looks good. You'll see the ad in the magazine. Later, I might be able to preview it here and on the Creepy Characters Facebook page, too.

Here's a picture of the tree with all of the Creeps. Many of you will be participating in the full series... others of you will select your Creeps to do. Either way, it's a fun time.

I'll be back soon with the TNNA teaching update... fingers crossed. Thanks, Robin


  1. They are adorable Robin and have they grown!!!! If you need another Halloween tree Pier-1 has a great one, when I saw it Sunday I thought of you. They also have a floor one which is also cute and bigger. It is good to know people are producing these trees so we have room for oh so many ornaments.

  2. Hi Palma. I'll be sure to check out Pier-1. Thanks for the heads up and your kind words, too.

  3. Good luck, good luck, good luck! Actually, TNNA would be lucky to have you, Robin. The kittens are so cute and so are all the Halloween props. After all, they are displaying the Creeps who are darling. I had no idea ads were so much work, though. Leo is TIRED. LOL

  4. Robin, the Creeps look fantastic. I can't wait to see the actual ad (with a Martha Stewart Halloween tree, no less...) I also agree with the other comments that Leo & Lana are great additions to the family and the photo shoot.
