
Friday, December 10, 2010

See One • Do One • Teach One

Hi Everybody...  Robin here.

Today's title: See One • Do One • Teach One is one of my favorite sayings. I have found it to be true especially for the Needlepoint world. For example, you see a stitch; you do the stitch; later, you show the stitch to someone else. Kind of like a pay it forward, if you will.

Remember when I was inserting the finished NeedleDeeva Heart #150G canvas into the Black Stirling Shoulder Bag? Here's the blog link to refresh your memory. A week or two ago, I received an email from a friend, Vicky De Angelis, asking if I would insert her finished NeedleDeeva Poppy #150A canvas into her Red Stirling Shoulder Bag. You remember Vicky De Angelis, don't you? She is a stitching talent who has won numerous ANG awards; now she is creating Stitch Guides, too. Vicky and I have been working with NeedleDeeva, and I was glad to help out a friend.

OK. Back to the Red Stirling Shoulder Bag. I photographed the steps and am pleased to share my Insertion Method with the Needlepoint Study Hall readers. You are now entering the See One phase of our discussion.

First of all, I measured the Canvas Design area. Careful measurements are important. ("Measure and measure again" is another one of my sayings.) The Poppy is 3¾" Width and 7" Height. Then I measured the Stirling Bag Opening area: 3¾" Width and 6¼" Height. I drew the discrepancy on the Green paper for you to better visualize.

Tools of the Trade

This difference is not a problem when using the Stirling Bags. They have wide margins and you can center your design within their opening. Here's the other thing I do: I don't use the Peel 'n Stick backing. The canvas stays in place just fine.  I do cut enough of the canvas to sit within the margins.

Cutting Line has been drawn.

I drew a line around the Poppy canvas which represented my cutting line. I used my Mechanical Pencil. I gave myself about 10 Threads on the Right and Left Side, 7 Threads on the Top, and 3 Threads on the Bottom. The reason why the Bottom had a narrow margin was because the design was already extended.

Cut very carefully.

I carefully cut out along the line with my Household Scissors. Then I began to insert the canvas into the Stirling Bag. Initially I began inserting the top edge of the canvas but stopped when I realized I should put in the bottom end first.

Don't put the Top in first.

I began with the bottom, then the upper left, then the upper right, and then centered the overall design.

Correct sequence

So here it is. All done. Ready for the product shot and then on its way back to Vicky De Angelis. You will see it on display in the NeedleDeeva booth at the January 2011 TNNA Market. Tell Judee you saw this blog; she's a fan and a nice lady, too. Also, this Stitch Guide will be available from NeedleDeeva. 

Poppy • NeedleDeeva #150A
Stitch Guide Available
Stitch Selection by Brenda Hart
Stitching by Vicky De Angelis

We now conclude the See One phase. Now it's your turn to Do. Then Teach. Glad we could help. Thanks, Robin

Bailey's first photo shoot.


  1. Hi Robin

    Thanks for the tutorial...great information. Your explanation was excellent. Vicky is a great gal and she is a great gift wrapper as well an outstanding stitcher. I used to see her at the Goddess weekends in La Jolla. Sure miss those weekends

    Sue VanderNoor

    Please tell her hello from me.

  2. Hi Sue, good to hear from you. I was pleased to share my experience. Lucky you with all of your California locality. Memphis is so far away... glad the blog brings us closer. Holiday Hugs to you. Robin

  3. Robin,

    Would you leave the peel 'n stick coating on all of the Stirling products? You feel confident enough that the canvas will stay put? I am getting ready to do one of the Stirling Folios for a Christmas gift and that is why I am asking?

    Diane Gasior

  4. Hi Diane. You've got me thinking... I looked at a photo of the Stirling Folio.

    Does it have a deep margin on all 4 sides? If so, that would help to keep things in place. I'm not sure about its situation on the stitching seen on the left. It does look like it could have deep margins all the way around, though.

    Still, my gut feeling would be to try it without using the peel 'n stick first, and then if you see it slipping and sliding, I would attach it. Sometime you've gotta go with the flow. Let us know how it all turns out for the lucky gift recipient. Thanks, Robin

  5. Thanks for the step by step lesson. The poppy canvas looks wonderful. But I must say, Bailey steals the show!

  6. Thanks, Missy. The poppy canvas is so pretty in person. Vicky De Angelis did an awesome job. Her beading is wonderful. Bailey heard about the Photo Shoot and had to see what it is all about. Curious cat, indeed. Holiday Hugs to you. Robin

  7. Great tutorial Robin! Thank you for sharing it with us. And I agree - Bailey is adorable and kind of steals the show. (But I hope we see more of Bailey in the future.)

  8. Hi Jan, good to hear from you. And, may I say, I love what you are doing with the Goose Tracks Quilt Square. Here's Jan's blog link:

    I've made 10 quilts and have one more Quilt Top to put in and begin quilting. It's the Ohio Star, done in Red & Green Christmas Prints on a Cream background. Thanks for the nice Bailey words, too. He's a funny kitten; he keeps us laughing. Happy Holidays to you. Robin
