
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Correction in Haunted House stitch guide #3

Amy has a correction for us.  

"On page 7 Haunted House #3 in the color legend for Diagrams #4 & #5 all of the missing Lorikeet numbers....W?.....are 2. The only places that W3 is used are the stitches designated in BLACK in the diagrams (5 Continental Stitches in each post)"

I am just today going through the guide myself.  I love what she has done with the grass.


  1. Thanks, Peggy and Amy. I'm sure that will save some confusion. I can't wait to get started on Kit #3. I have five more bats to stitch (did them WAY out of order), then I'm ready for new Haunted adventures with this set.

    Everyone who has seen this partially done canvas has been in awe of the look of it. It's masterfully planned for great effect!


  2. Thanks for the update. Do appreciate your promptness...Judy

  3. grass? Oh my dear peggy, you have been stitching too much and your eyes are failing you. that is not grass-those are Weeds!!!

    all in good fun!

  4. Oh Kathy, you are so funny. Actually they do look like weeds. But it is too hot to pull them up. So the Haunted House will look old and unkept.
    Thanks for writing.
