
Thursday, July 29, 2010

No time!

Hi guys,

I haven't had time to stitch in the last few days.  I hope to do a little more work on the groom tomorrow before getting back to the Haunted House.



  1. Don't worry, Peggy.

    I understand completely! I am impressed with how much you HAVE done!!

    my threads for the house arrived today:)

    take care,

  2. I haven't even framed up the kit... :(
    Summer doesn't seem to have time enough for stitching these days. I have been traveling and had no time for my projects.

    So much for good intentions....

    I am very impressed with how much you have completed. At this rate this will be a 3 year project.

  3. Thanks guys. I really hoped to finish the groom. Yes, this is a multi-year project. And I am enjoying it.

  4. This is what is so great about the Needlepoint Study Hall. We will be there for you no matter when you finish. Remember: this is not a race; this is not a competition. Have fun always!

  5. Just double checking this... Will you leave this site up for the next year? I would love to be able to check back as I am working on the canvases (when ever that is)

    I'm sure if I was able to stitch every day, I would be close to finishing... but I am no where near that. Sadly I over estimated the time that I had to stitch. :(

  6. Oh yes, do not worry. I will be blogging through next year, or how ever long it takes, to finish Halloweenies.

  7. Peggy
    I haven't even looked at the groom stitch guide yet but am wondering if the double wedding ring background is part of Amy's stitch guide?

  8. Hey Peggy...Judy here. Have begun working on my house again and found on page 7 in the color legend no distinction between Lorikeet #126 W 2 or 3. For the red, pink, green and blue don't know which to use...2 or 3. Would you please clarify for me or am I missing something? Help!

  9. Thanks Judy. We found the problem this afternoon. Amy will be getting the answer to me and I will post ASAP.

    No, you're not missing anything!

  10. Yes, to thebritsgallery. The double wedding ring is in Amy's stitchguide for both the bride and the groom.
