
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Bride Z. Illa's Second bottom border

I got the second border in.  I wish all the areas went in this fast.  Only those of you with the guide will know what I am talking about here...on the Ray stitch.  Sometimes my Ray stitch thread covered the couching thread and sometimes it didn't.  If you want a uniform look, let the top and bottom Ray stitch lay next to the couching thread as it is in the diagram.  I thought I could get all of them to stay on top, but gave up on that and didn't want to redo it.

I am heading for the brown tombstone next.  It should be a simple stitch, except there is a lot of compensation.  So I am practicing the stitch at the bottom of my canvas so I will get the whole stitch in my head and be better able to do the compensation.  I would suggest stitching the crow and his beak before stitching the tombstone.


  1. Looks awesome, Peggy. You have done so much... and it's only June 2.
    I've got a plan: let's practice Bullion Knots from Nashville to Cincinnati. You will be a pro, by then. Love that little Mouse!

  2. That would be great! A lesson from a pro. Should make the car ride to market seem like a breeze. You might have to wake me up between knots since we are leaving at 5am. Yikes!

  3. Hi

    This may be a dumb question but are the double wedding rings painted on the canvas? I received my Bride today and there isn't any double wedding rings in the background...just the stars. In looking at Peggys canvas it appears the wedding rings are painted in the background. Thanks

    Sue VanderNoor

  4. Oh Jeeze, I answered my own question. LOL I just looked on the web site and saw the canvas before stitching. Sorry for the DUMB question. It's been a rough week so I am not sure what I was thinking. Sorry

    Sue VanderNoor

  5. Hi Sue,

    No, the rings are not painted on. It would be oh so great if they were. Amy has some good advise on stitching the double wedding rings. Read that first. I have considered charting it out to make it easier. There will be plenty of compensation on them too. I don't believe there is a single area where we can get a whole set done. Happy stitching.

  6. There are no dumb questions! Your question started me thinking about charting out the rings on paper to make it easier. I probably would not have thought of that if you had not asked about the rings.

  7. Definitely not a dumb question!! You can paint the pattern on the canvas with the pen in our kit, and a black sharpie for the other color. Makes it easier to stitch!!

    Thanks for inspiring this idea.

    I had the best of intentions to stitch daily on this month's kit, but the canvas is still in my car to be photocopied. Kinkos was closed on Memorial Day.

    I don't know what I would do without this blog!!
    thanks everyone!

  8. Kathy, life often gets in the way of our stitching. Don't worry about it. You will catch up when you can.

  9. I just got back from making a copy of the Bride and put masking tape on the canvas and now to get it on the bars. Once again, the fun will start. Kathy also had a good idea regarding the wedding rings. Great minds here and Amy's is working overtime. What fun and the Study hall is the best.

    Sue VanderNoor
