
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Bride Z. Illa's Brown Tombstone

You can see how I carried the stitch through the dress, (with the grey thread), to make sure the stitch would work on the right side.  I am now working back towards the pumpkin.  I kind of feel like I'm cheating when I do this.  But I don't trust my counting alone.   If anyone knows of an easier or better way, please let us know.  I started up under the brides rump and worked down.  It was easier for me to do it with the crow and his beak already stitched.  I will post another picture when I finish the tombstone.

It worked!


  1. Peggy, I think your compensation method is GENIUS. I know everyone will want to use it for their Tombstone as well as other situations. Great job!

  2. Peggy

    Great tip and it works for me. Seems an easy way to keep the count. Now I don't have to wrack my brain.

    Sue VanderNoor

  3. Peggy is like the canary being sent into the coal mine. She is the first to venture into the world of Halloweenies. Lucky for us, she returned with wonderful information. Thanks, Peggy!

  4. Hi Peggy...and everyone...

    Peggy, I see that you stitched over the 'nest' when working the crow. I read that we are to stitch over this when stitching the pumpkin, but do not find the written instructions for the bird.

    Am I missing something? Not a big deal, but I thought that I would ask.


  5. Susan, look on page 4 for directions for the crow. We are to stitch over the nest on the crow, the brown tombstone and the pumpkin. We will stitch the nest on top of all of them with a wonderful new thread from Thread Gatherer. (see your thread list) One of the things I like about Amy's Home Studies is the opportunity to use odd and new threads.

  6. Yes Peggy, I see the instructions for stitching over the nest in the tombstone and the pumpkin, but not in the directions for the crow. That is why I inquired.

    Yes, I love the opportunity to work with all the wonderful new fibres as well!!


  7. Right you are Susan. I assumed we should stitch over the straw pieces in the crow so we could stitch on top of him. You can tent stitch those bits of straw and then put some pieces on top of it. Either way, you cannot go wrong.

