
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oops! Have You Ever?

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Have you ever decided to use Elegance (E801) instead of Grandeur (G801)? Mind you, both threads from Rainbow Gallery are wonderful. Both are Black... Silk... on a Rainbow Gallery card. But, during your TNNA project (Columbus / June 2010) pre-planning, you decide to use Elegance.

Has Life ever distracted you? Both cards are within arms length. You don't realize anything is going on... until you look at the "almost used-up" Grandeur card. What the ....? Really?!

Well, welcome to my world. Tonight, I am the "Queen of Ripping Out." Just wanted to share... I was reading some of the Frank's Pants comments. Guess I wanted you to know... been there... done that! Thanks, Robin


  1. Oh, Peggy... I believe you feel my pain. My little Purple Scissors have been so wonderful. They are wickedly sharp!

  2. Oh, yeah. I've been there and done that, then ripped it out. Occasionally I don't but usually I regret it later if I don't take out the wrong thread and restitch with the right one.

    At least you didn't hem your skirt to the pants you were wearing at the time....

    Jane, waving from CH

  3. Hmmm, stitching faux pas abound here in my little corner of the world all the time. Shamefully, if I think it will go unnoticed or undetected then I just go right on stitching! Have I happy day, I am so enjoying your Halloweenies.
