
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Frank's pants

Per the last post and it's accompanying comments, Frank's pants are hard to stitch. I sat down with Amy today to ask for tips. When she said, "Think of it as a 2 X 4 cross stitch." I thought I had a break-thru. But it didn't work out. I've tried the stitch again but I just can't get it. Because the rows pack so tightly together there is no room for error. And I keep making errors. I hate to give up the look of this stitch because Amy's choice works better with the whole thrift clothes thing, but we have a lot of work to do. So I may try using another stitch. There is the Regular Plaited Gobelin in Chapter 3 of Amy's Cookbook for Stitchers. Or, the stitch on this website, or this Gobelin Plaited Stitch. Bottom line, don't let this stitch keep you from having fun.

I don't want you to worry about keeping up either. There should be no pressure here. Just think of this as a long term project that you are working on with others, at your own pace. I have not entirely finished Stirha, but I couldn't wait to stitch some on Frank. And here we are about to get the next part of the Haunted House. Isn't it great to get the package and go through the threads and stitchguide? So enjoy the process. Have fun!

P.S. I'm going to try that stitch one more time before I give up!


  1. The stitches of the Herringbone Gone Wrong all go "into" blind holes that are covered by the previous row stitched. Turn your canvas sideways so that the previous row is above you, making it easier to slip the needle under those stitches already worked. It is hard to see and the weaving appearance is so close together that it is easy to miss a hole. Another great stitch for the same rough woven appearance would be columns of Van Dyke Stitch - Chapter 3, page 17 of Amy's Cookbook for Stitchers.

  2. I didn't exaggerate when I said I stitched and ripped 6 times.... and not just a little bit. I finished the entire leg before seeing my mistake. Good light and good counting finally helped me see the pattern. It is definitely worth the effort... but I can see that other stitches would be great too. I like the idea of the brick stitch... it would still have that plaid look.

    Good luck.

  3. By the way... does Melinda have any any good tips for the pumpkins. I'm having a hard time seeing three colours. Is the darker colour just the shading between and below the pumpkins and the lighter the veins (?). I was thinking of running a horizontal row of the stitch so it would be easier to plan the line of the stitches. What do you think?
    Also the veins in the pumpkins on the border will be a little trickier because the stitch is over two.. and they are so tiny. Any tips?

  4. Oh Ladies .... do keep trying with those pants!

    I too had a little trouble at the start, but with quiet (no TV!), patience, and strickly adhering to the stitch guide, they will come together. (Sorry ... those are my only tips!).

    I encourage you all because of the glory of the final results. They look almost pin-striped with ratty cuffs. Truly amazing!


  5. Thank you Lisa,

    You have given us hope!

  6. I just finished the pants, after ripping the first row a few times, I got into a grove and it wasn't too bad. Follow the stitch guide carefully, have plenty of quiet and lots of sun.

    I agree the look is great.

    Any tips on the jacket? I am having problems seeing the pattern.

  7. Ok, gang, here is the "trick"! whenever I face a difficult stitch, I try to find a pattern. think of a martini glass on it's side. you are stitching the top of the martini glass from the outside to the center. think of the stitch as composed not of single stitches, but as pairs. for each pair, you are stiching the "V" from the top to the bottom, but since it is turned sideways, it is from the outside wide part to the inside center. (It may make it easier to turn your canvas a quarter turn to the left)

    the way I do this stitch is: down 4, left 2. then down 2, right 2 to begin the second leg of the pair of stitches, going in 2 above the bottom of the stitch juts completed. that's your martini glass. then for the next martini glass, start 2 above where the last one ended, and repeat the sequence.

    without this tip, you may need a martini!!!

  8. addendum..I DO think it is easier to work this stitch after turning the canvas a quarter turn to the left, so the martini glasses are in "V's. Omn the first leg of the V you will slide under to insert the needle into the canvas, and on the second leg you will go over the previous stitch to slide the needle between the threads, overlapping at the bottom of the V. also, the second leg starts one thread above the row below, so you can check your self by the row below. Finally, the back of the canvas has a very regular pattern, so at the end of each row, I turn my canvas over and make sure I did not err.

    happy stitching!!

  9. Can we still have the Martini?

  10. I definitely vote for the Martini....and make mine chocolate! Judy
