
Monday, December 17, 2012

Caswell Stitch

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

One week to Christmas. Wrapping up Hanukah. Busy times, indeed.

This weekend, I returned to writing Stitch Guides. Many have been waiting their turn for far too long, and I do apologize. To those still in the queue... please know I am working as hard as I can to get these back to you.

I began with the Melissa Shirley Designs canvases: Pink Flower Purse 1306B and Mellow Yellow Flower Purse 1306C. Both designs were on 18 mesh. The same customer chose both of them.  Won't she have a fun time.

Here are the threads chosen for each stitch guide. Very pretty, right?

Pink Flower Purse • MSD 1306-B
Melissa Shirley Designs
Stitch Guide by Robin King

Mellow Yellow Flower Purse • MSD 1306-C
Melissa Shirley Designs
Stitch Guide by Robin King

When I was charting the stitch for one of the Leaves, I noticed the name
Caswell Stitch. I have heard the name, but never met the author of the stitch. Through Facebook, however, I did send a shout out to Ann and here is what she said.

"The stitch was actually listed and named by Father Bob for a county in North Carolina. However he often would tease me and my husband, saying it described the way we fit together."

It is fun to learn the history of stitches.

So... just in case you don't know the Caswell Stitch... here it is.

Work it in Horizontal Rows... very similar to the construction of Criss Cross Hungarian, but on a larger scale.

These two Stitch Guides are finished and ready to return to their owner. My queue has been reduced by two. Woohoo!

Next up: Elephant Walk by Treglown Designs and a sweet Strictly Christmas Large Stocking (CS323) featuring a Girl Teddy Bear decorating the Tree; both on 13 mesh.

Any of the stitch guide I write are available for purchase. On my To Do List for 2013 is to better organize/advertise all the stitch guides I have had the opportunity to write, so (hopefully) others might want them, too.

Well, that's all for now. I'll be checking in before Christmas. Fingers crossed, I will have some photos to share about the TWO classes I will be teaching at the TNNA Winter Market in February 2013.

Until then... Hugs, Robin


  1. Wonderful story behind the Caswell stitch. Please get organized in 2013 regarding your guides. I know I would love some! Probably all! Merry Christmas!

  2. On Facebook, Janet Perry gave further insight to the stitch. Here is what she said...

    " Actually this stitch was designed by Father B as part of a series he did and named for ANG chapters in North Carolina, his home state. It's in several editions of his book."

    Again, fun to learn the history of stitches.

    Thanks, Janet.

  3. Hi Stephanie. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Have a Merry Christmas. I've enjoyed your 12 Days postings. Your encouragement is very appreciated. Hugs.
