
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tapestry Fair and The Painted Elephant

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I had another fun charting job come my way.

This time it was from Peggi at Tapestry Fair. I met Peggi while attending the Phoenix TNNA Market this past January 2012. Nice lady.

I know you are familiar with the Tapestry Fair line of canvases. Most recently, you have seen blogging by Jane from Chily Hollow about the Manuel Salas "Day of the Dead" canvas she is stitching; distributed by Tapestry Fair. Here's their website. Take a look all of their wonderful designs.

Your LNS can order any of them for you.

Peggi was needing me to chart some icons for the upcoming class being taught by Linda Corirossi called The Painted Elephant.

This information came from the Tapestry Fair blog:

The Painted Elephant (#636) by Tapestry Fair
Class taught by Linda Corirossi

Here is a summary of the class:
Choose your colors, raid your jewelry box for bling, and join Linda Corirossi for a series of classes to "paint" your own elephant.
The class includes a line drawn canvas, stitch planning "map", and a stitch guide including picture graphs to decorate your elephant. With Linda's guidance, each elephant will be exotic and original.
The first elephant class will be help October 19th, 20th and 21st at Family Arts Needlework in Phoenix, AZ.
To contact Linda about giving this class at your shop, call (847) 942-2120 or email: 
So, exactly what did I do? Peggi sent me several pages of graph paper with icons in colored squares. I made a graph grid in the computer, and then colored the boxes in the same sequence; creating these endearing icons. It was a new task to learn and was fun doing so. When I was finished,  a 4-page PDF of the 27 icons/components was ready to become part of the stitch guide.

I would love to take this class. I have been a fan of Linda Corirossi for many years. I have both of her books. You have them, too... right?

Canvas Embellishment by Linda  Corirossi
Canvas Embellishment (The Sequel) by Linda  Corirossi

I use these books often when writing stitch guides as well as for my own personal stitching. Like I said, I would love to meet Linda. If any of you take the class, be sure to let us see your progress and hear about your experience. When you stitch the little bird, you can think of me.

Until the next time... Hugs, Robin


  1. I think Linda will be at the TNNA Long Beach show, so I'll arrange an intro - you'll really like her!

  2. Very interesting concept. Thanks for the titles of het books, I would be most interested to see them a add to my library.
    Hugs to you Robin, Donnelle

  3. Hi Peggi. WOW. Won't that be fun to meet Linda. Thank you so very much. Robin

  4. HI Donnelle. Yes, these books will be a nice addition to your library. Thanks for stopping by to the Blog. Hugs to you, too... Robin

  5. I only have the first of Linda's books but it is full of stitches I hadn't seen any place else. Guess I'll see if I can track down the second and add it to The Collection. Thanks for the update on your charting work, Robin. Looks great!

  6. Hi Jane. Great to hear from you. Yes, finding/adding Linda Corirossi's Red Book will be a good thing. Glad I can throw some enabling back at you. LOL. Hugs, Robin
