
Monday, June 4, 2012

3-D Holly Boot (MSD 1262-D) Stitch Guide

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I tend to wear several hats with all of the different jobs going on. But, then, I am sure you do, too.

I also like to call it "Spinning Plates"... my old-school reference from the Ed Sullivan television show days when Ed featured the performer with tall bamboo poles and white dinner plates. The man would balance and spin a plate at the top of each pole. Poles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5... all going at the same time. All would be OK until the first plate began to wobble and almost fall. The man would run back to the first plate, increase its RPMs to save the plate from crashing. Then, he would continue moving forward... giving plates 2, 3, 4, 5 an extra spin... and then would begin setting up another pole/plate combo. Back and forth the performer went. I have such fond memories of this performer and the lessons it taught me. Spinning Plates... it says it all, don't you think?

Here is a brief review of what I did this past week:

A customer had sent in the 3-D Holly Boot from Melissa Shirley Designs
(MSD 1262-D) for a stitch guide. There are four separate canvases on 13 mesh: two sides, a front and a back. Once finished, it turns into a 3-D boot... ready to fill and become your next special holiday decoration. I had always admired this design and was looking forward to see what would inspire me.

Click to see all of the Melissa Shirley 3-D Christmas Boots.

I usually begin each stitch guide with graph paper and pencil. I draw out some ideas and identify colors which will need threads. Sometimes I know exactly what thread to use, and other times, I might give myself options for consideration.

Then, I begin typing up the Stitch Guide with a "fill in the blank" look as a space marker for the upcoming thread choices. It might look something like this:

Then, I go and selected the threads; wandering around the store with canvas in hand and imagining the possibilities. Pulling threads is thrilling to see the canvas come to life. Look how much fun this 3-D Holly Boot will be to stitch... and you haven't even seen the stitches.

My last thing to do is to type all of the "fill in the blanks" for each of the selected threads, and chart all of the stitches. This stitch guide has 24 charts. I also write up the Master Thread List to have on hand; just in case (hopefully!) someone else orders the stitch guide.

Interested in purchasing this stitch guide? You can do so through Amy's... here's the link:

The 3-D Holly Boot stitch guide is now finished and will soon become a wonderful family heirloom. As for me? I am ready to catch my next Spinning Plate.

Until then... Hugs, Robin

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