
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Back to Basics DVDs by Tony Minieri

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

One of the many hats I wear is editor/producer of the "How'd You Do That?" needlepoint DVDs. You can see all of the titles listed on the Pet Project Video website.

We filmed Tony Minieri presenting his Back to Basics The Right Way / Bad Habits Broken Here (Level One) lessons. For several years, Tony has traveled and taught his 4-day class material. In DVD format, the Level One series is divided into three parts. Each DVD shows us the right way for improving our needlepoint techniques. Watching these three DVDs will also prepare a student who plans to attend his new upcoming Level Two classes.

My shorthand for these Back to Basics titles are:

  • Level 1 • Part 1 (DVD #9) 
  • Level 1 • Part 2 (DVD #10) 
  • Level 1 • Part 3 (DVD #11)

There are 5 distributors of these "How'd You Do That?" videos: Pet Project Video, LLC, Amy's Keeping Me in Stitches, Norden Crafts, Nordic Needle, and Tony Minieri. You can see their contact information by clicking here on this link. Needlepoint Shops can contact any of our distributors (wholesale orders only) to order these DVDs for their customers.

Back to Basics Level 1 • Part 1 (DVD #9) is 53 minutes long and has 36 chapter markers.

  • Essential Tools:  Tapestry Needles, Chenille Needles, Crewel/Embroidery Needles, The Needle Index
  • Threading the Needle: Threading the Needle x 2, Quilter's Knot
  • Beginning and Ending Threads:  In the Path Waste Knot, Pinhead Stitch, An Away Waste Knot, "L" Stitch
  • Straight Gobelin Stitches:  Brick Stitch, Parisian Stitch, Hungarian Stitch, Double Hungarian Stitch, Sutherland Stitch, Laying Tools, Woven Ribbons, Victorian Step Stitch, Two-Way Victorian Step Stitch
  • Diagonal Stitches: Scotch Stitch, Mosaic Stitch, Tent Stitches, Half-Cross Stitch, Continental Stitch, Basketweave, Scissors, 4-Way Continental, Alicia's Lace
  • Tony's Tenets

Back to Basics Level 1 • Part 2 (DVD #10) is 59 minutes long and has 38 chapter markers.

  • Threads
  • Diagonal Stitches (continued): Cashmere Stitch, Continuous Diagonal Mosaic, Continuous Diagonal Cashmere, Nobuko
  • Line Stitches:  Backstitch, Whipped Backstitch, Outline Stitch, Stem Stitch
  • Crossed Stitches:  Upright Cross, Upright Rice / Jerusalem Cross, Rice Stitch, Double Straight Cross, Triple Leviathan
  • Tied Stitches: Fly Stitch, Lazy Daisy / Detached Chain Stitch, Plain Wheat Sheaf, Steepled Wheat Sheaf, Wreath, Stepped Wheat Sheaf, Rococo Stitch, Rococo - Tony's Preference, Rococo - Amy's Preference
  • Plaited Stitches:  Long-Armed Cross, Van Dyke Stitch, Fern Stitch, Two-Way Fern Stitch, Diagonal Fern / Fishbone, Square Waffle, Diamond Waffle
  • Tony's Tenets

Back to Basics Level 1 • Part 3 (DVD #11) is 57 minutes long and has 25 chapter markers.

  • The Canvas
  • Compensation 
  • Filling Patterns:  Burden Stitch, Double Burden, Composite Couching Pattern, Trellis Pattern, Upright Trellis Pattern: Tying Down the Bars, Upright Trellis Pattern: Tying Down the Intersections, Upright Trellis Pattern: Irregular Area, Diagonal Trellis Pattern: Tying Down the Bars, Diagonal Trellis Pattern: Tying Down the Intersections, Diagonal Trellis Pattern: Irregular Area
  • Knots:  French Knot, Colonial Knot, Wreath (from DVD #10) with Knots
  • Bokhara Couching
  • Canvas Appliqué Traditional
  • Canvas Appliqué Slip
  • Tony's Tenets
View these DVDs like a movie, or search and pause to review the techniques. For each DVD, Tony Minieri is the featured artist, and Amy Bunger is the guest stitcher.

The Tony Minieri DVDs are at the replicators and will soon ship to each of our distributors. I learned so much editing these DVDs... my needlepoint techniques and knowledge have really improved from Tony's lessons.

It's time to make room for the DVDs. Leo, we are going to need that space. He is such a good helper. Until the next time... Robin


  1. I cannot wait for know I've resisted DVD's but I think these will really help me improve and get out of my novice phase.

  2. I am drooling! Thank you so much for all of your hard work!

  3. I'm on the list and my credit card is on file. I also have a cat that looks like Leo Can you tell I'm ready?
