
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Needle Bug wrap up

Hi Everybody... Robin here... back home in Memphis.

I had the best time teaching the Columbus Heart (#150G from NeedleDeeva) at
The Needle Bug. It was a nice class size, the women were eager to learn, and their hospitality exceeded my expectations. I showed them some interesting techniques which will be handy for future canvases, too.

Here are some photos from Leigh Miller, the owner of The Needle Bug.

After teaching on Saturday, on the way home, Leigh decided to stop and let me feed the deer which live next to her. (We had some apple slices left over from lunch.) Leigh was out of the car first; I was still fumbling with my seatbelt. I heard a "yelp" and I thought, "Oh, so that's how you call the deer."

I came around to the driver's side of the car and Leigh was holding her hand. In her most delicate Southern drawl she said, "Looks like we will be going to the Emergency Room after you feed the deer." I looked at her hand which was gushing blood. She had slammed her finger in the car door!

Ouch!  Yikes!!!  We found some paper napkins and applied pressure while I fed the deer. (Note: she really did want me to feed the deer!)

Back home and after Leigh's finger was cleaned up, she decided to not go to the Emergency Room. We all watched the Auburn vs. University of Mississippi football game. Love the SEC spirit. The next day I flew home to Memphis. Her finger was still hurting so Leigh did get her finger checked out. The email was waiting for me: Broken!!!!

What an unfortunate ending to a wonderful time. But wait!!! There's more. The flight from Montgomery to Atlanta had engine trouble; luckily, it was discovered while still on the tarmac. (The left engine wasn't working!) We went back to the gate, got off the plane, and stood in line to book another flight to Atlanta.

Delta Airlines had a wonderful Plan B: they hired a convoy of shuttle vans (7) to drive us to Atlanta. According to Google Maps, Montgomery to Atlanta is 151 miles; 2 hours 26 minutes. We made it in great time. Delta upgraded my ticket to First Class (sweet!), and the flight home was smooth and fast. Seems like you do get there quicker when you fly First Class.

The Original RedNek™ Wine Glass
What a wonderful time teaching in Montgomery! Adventure. Drama. Sports. New Friends. Great Food. Great Drinks. Speaking of which... look at the awesome gift I received from Leigh and her family. What can I say? I think they get me. Love the Mason jar lid, too. You never know when you might need a To-Go cup. LOL.

Well, that's all for now. Glad to be home. Looking forward to my next teaching opportunity. If you would like me to teach at your needlepoint shop, give me a call. I know we will have a good time.

Until the next time... Thanks, Robin


  1. Robin, I really enjoyed reading your report! So sorry about Leigh's injury! OUCH! Such a painful accident! Glad you made it home safe and sound, and I love your redneck wine glass. I saw those recently at a craft fair in my area. Crafters are so clever, but not as clever as needlepointers!

  2. Robin the pics are great. LOVE the "to go" glass. So much drama, poor Leigh, what a nightmare! Tjose deer are so cute! YOu had an adventure but sounds like 1st class made up for some of it!

  3. Hi Barbara. I knew you would get a kick from my adventures. Always good to hear from you. Looking forward to seeing your next work of art!

  4. Hi Jeannine. Good to hear from you. Yes, the First Class seat was a nice touch. Hope to teach at your location some time.

  5. Hope Leigh is feeling better. Love every aspect of your report - especially the wone glass lol That was great

    The yellow flower looks like coconut cream pie

  6. Robin my finger is much better and we loved having you at The Bug!!

  7. Hi Leigh,
    Glad to know your finger is getting much better. Looking forward to my next visit to The Bug.
