
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Hi and Bye

Hi there.  Peggy here.  I know you have enjoyed the posts from Robin as much as I have.  For that reason, I have asked Robin to take ownership of Needlepoint Study Hall.  I have fallen off track and don't know when I will get back to stitching Halloweenies.  I have never been a good closer of my needlepoint projects.  There is nothing wrong with that except that I made a promise to all of you that I would stitch all of the Halloweenies to help others out.  I apologize for coming up short.  I will return to them at some point. But at this time I feel the blog would be a wonderful place for us to follow Robin's stitching adventures.  She is so creative and her posts help us learn new techniques and see her lovely work.

Thank you so much for your positive response to Needlepoint Study Hall.  It has been a terrific experience.  I will drop by now and then to let you know if I am back on track.  I am so grateful to Robin for her help with starting the blog over a year ago.  I know that Needlepoint Study Hall will flourish with Robin at the helm.

Every good wish,



  1. Hi Peggy, I read your post. I am thinking it as a hiatus... not so much a closed door.

    Taking on the Halloweenies was a super-human feat. I know people aren't holding you to any completion.

    I'll drive the bus for a while... while you take a rest. Once you are rested, jump back in the driver's seat. Anytime!

    I am thinking of changing the colors... I've been watching Jane/Chilly Hollow and Stitching Sisters do it. I have everything backed up, just in case.

    Thanks for this opportunity, Peggy. Thanks, Robin

  2. Peggy - We will miss hearing from you but I hope you will stop by from time to time and let us see what you are stitching. I look forward to actually meeting you in person in a couple of weeks at Amy's. Take care!

  3. Peggy, we'll miss seeing you here often but do drop by and tell us how you are doing.

    Robin, yell if you need help changing the furniture around.

    Jane, waving to everyone from CH

  4. Jane, you have been an inspiration to us all. Thanks for you support and I'll be seeing you.

  5. Hi Jane,
    I just bought some of the "Easy Gliders." Moving the furniture should be a breeze... right? Thanks for being on stand-by. Hugs, Robin

  6. Peggy

    You have been a gem and I have enjoyed your tips and hints along the way. Sometimes we have to take a little detour and for now just do what you need to do. Don't forget about us and stop in to see what is going on and hope you return soon.

    Take care


  7. Thank you Sue. I will be in touch!

  8. Peggy,

    You have been such a kind and generous Halloweenie mentor!

    The pictures that you sent to me were such a great help. I do not think that I would have been as far along the road of completion without them, this blog, its followers, and your guidance.

    I too look forward to meeting you this fall.

    With gratitude,

  9. Hi Peggy, I have enjoyed your posts, even though I wasn't even working on the Halloweenies! I am sure Robin will let you visit & update us with your projects--or you can visit us at Stitching Sisters! Take care, happy stitching! Denise

  10. Thanks Peggy for helping me start my blog. It is a lot of work but hopefully you will find the time for it again soon. I'm excited about blogging about the creche and all my other projects in the works!

  11. Thank you for your kind words.

  12. Peggy, you are leaving the Study Hall in very capable and artistic hands. I look forward to seeing what Robin does and to your eventual periodic pop bys to bring all of us up to speed on your progress, as well.

  13. Thanks Missy. I have enjoyed hearing from you this past year.

  14. Thanks Peggy for all your hard work! I've enjoyed reading your entries, even though I am not NEAR completing the series, at least I know that I can come back and refer to your advice when I need it.

    Come back and visit!


  15. Thanks Jan. I will visit some.
