
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Straightening Neon Rays

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Hope you had a good weekend. Here's tonight topic: how do you straighten your Neon Rays? Do you use it right off the card, not addressing the kinks? Over the years, I have tried many different ways to straighten it. I've used those "grippers and pullers" and I've even used "spit." (Yes... I have.) Other times, I would just use it straight off the card... kinks be damned.

About a year or two ago, I remember Peggy mentioning that someone at the Shop or Class mentioned that they used a flat iron to straighten the Neon Rays. My ears perked up. I've got a flat iron... I was tired of the kinks. Since I am using some beautiful colors of Neon Rays for the Creepy Creatures, I wanted to try! (Remember, I am the See One, Do One, Teach One gal.)

I plugged in my flat iron and turned the setting to a medium heat. I pulled the Neon Rays through the closed flat iron paddles, and BAM!... Silky Smooth and Straight. I shared this technique with my Saturday class students when Michelle brought in her daughter's flat iron. Everyone was impressed.

The main thing to say is that once straightened, the Neon Rays behaves much better. Less twisting. Usually, I straighten about 4-5 lengths and any unused pieces go into that Neon Ray's Floss Away bag.

I made a little video clip for you to show you how easy it is to do. Love the music, too. Be sure to first test the heat of your iron. Don't burn your fingers! Have a good week. I'll be in touch, soon. Thanks, Robin


  1. Great idea. I have always run is across a damp sponge and that has seemed to work well.

  2. The perfect way to straighten Neon Rays. I even carry a mini travel straightener in my needlepoint bag. I always have the bigger one at home ready for all of my stitching. Nice thing is, they heat up quickly.


  3. Robin, The ones with a ceramic plate are better for this job. You don't seem to run the risk of melting the Neon Rays. Use mine all the time for this. Love it.

  4. Hi Diane, I have seen people carry the mini travel straighteners. My flat iron at home is the kind with the ceramic plates. In the video, you can see how large it is. I agree... we don't want to melt our Neon Rays.

  5. Wonderful idea. I've also been guilty in the past of licking the Neon Rays, but this is a much better solution and can be used in public - not so gross.
    Thanks Robin.

  6. Robin, Thanks so much for the wonderful tip! I can't wait to use it!

  7. Hi Everybody... I just found out it was Julie Ray who brought this wonderful technique to Amy's. Thanks, Julie. We appreciate you.

  8. LOVE THE MUSIC...think we need it in the background during Saturday classes!

  9. Hi Michelle,
    I LOVE the Music, too. I just laughed when I heard it. It was perfect for the mood and the length of the film, too. Oh, the things I do.... Hugs, Robin

  10. Hi Lisa and Peggi,
    Good to hear from you. I had fun making my little Film Noir/Neon Rays. Always glad to help. In Julie's comment (on Facebook) she said she got the mini-flat-iron from Bed Bath & Beyond. Hope they are ready for us. Thanks, Robin

  11. Robin

    Thanks for the video and I need to get one for my Neon Rays. Thanks for the reminder and the video was great.,

    Sue VanderNoor

  12. Hi Sue. Good to hear from you. Have you settled down from all of the birthday festivities? Hugs, Robin

  13. This is just great. I'm doing a piece that has a large sea all in Neon Rays and Neon Rays+ which has been bothersome. Will definitely try. BTW can I also do the Neon Rays+ or will the matallic melt?

  14. I just now tried it with the Neon Rays + and it worked fine. Again, please, test the heat of your device first. My flat iron has the ceramic plates and a temperature controller because it is a large flat iron for hair.

  15. It can be a month or a year later... I LOVE that music!
