
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let's Get Ready For Halloween...

Hi Everybody... Robin here...

Well, in my best NBA's Announcer's Voice...
Let's Get Ready for Halloween.

The magical time is upon us. You've spent 10 months stitching your Halloweenies. Or, if you've been a voyeur, like me... you've been enjoying the Halloweenies' progress of Peggy and her fellow bloggers.

Either way, the time is HERE.

So, this is our topic of general discussion:

  • What kind of decorating are you going to do?
  • What Halloween Stash stitching are you going to re-visit?
  • How many Halloween trees do you actually own?

OK... since I started the discussion... I will go first.

I have a wonderful collection of Halloween Nutcrackers/Smokers and Patricia Breen Blown Glass Ornaments, in addition to my Halloween Needlepoint. They will be seeing the light of day this year. I will be posting some of their photos through out the month.

Patricia Breen Halloween Ornaments - layer 1
Patricia Breen Halloween Ornaments - layer 2

I am going to re-visit a Halloween Needlepoint UFO which is about half-way finished. Perhaps she could be 5/8 of the way finished during this month? I'll take any encouragement.

Robin's 3rd Witch 2010 / Stitch Guide by Amy Bunger

How many Halloween Trees do I own? Let's see: There's a Black with Orange Tip Feather Tree, a Martha Stewart Black Wood Cut Tree, an Orange/Black Glitter Feather Tree... so looks like the answer is: Three.

What?... you mean you don't have 3 Halloween TREES?

And, we haven't even started talking about Halloween Needlepoint! Let's see... there's Ornaments, Pillows, Wreaths, Treat Bags, Belts...

Oh, my. It's an exciting time for sure. I'll be back soon with a posting of some of my Halloween Needlepoint Ornaments. Let's enjoy the season... good thing we've got 31 days! Thanks, Robin


  1. Gosh, I don't own a Halloween tree, or ornaments, or pillows or wreathes or treat bags. I almost owned a bag of candy cone that was sitting on a display at the checkout line at the grocery store but somehow I stopped myself.

    I fail at Halloween! :(

    However, I stitched a Hlloween project last month and am about to start another. Does that count? Can I trick or treat with you anyway?

    Jane, the Failure of CH

  2. Jane... on this topic of Needlepoint Halloween, I do have about a 20-25 year head start on you. However, you are hitting your stride with your upcoming Luna. And, let's not to forget to mention all of the Halloween Enabling from Chilly Hollow. You are no failure, my friend. You are our Queen.

  3. What a fun post, Robin. My full size skeleton is sitting on the front porch with a black crow on his arm. We bought a Day of the Dead skeleton sitting in a bathtub in Mexico several years ago - he'll be sitting on the coffee table filled with a mixture of candy corn and peanuts. (If you haven't tried that combination, give it a go - it's the only way I've ever liked candy corn!) As for Halloween trees, I have none, but I'm drooling over one in a catalog right now.


  4. Hi Nancy, it's good to hear from you. Candy Corn & Peanuts? Yum... now why didn't I think of that. What a fun provenance for your Skeleton. It's fun to have a Halloween Tree (or three). I noticed the GrandinRoad Martha Stewart Halloween tree is now reduced from $69 to $55.

    Here's the link:,2,2759,2761,&iProductID=29122&k=XX31649

    I can feel the power of Jane/Chilly Hollow. Hugs, Robin

  5. Robin

    Oh my, what wonderful ornaments. Love them!!!!
    I think you have learned well from Our Queen, are a good enabler as well. Love that 3rd witch.

    You both are the greatest!!! Look forward to more goodies to see from you

    Sue VanderNoor

  6. Hey, Robin! What a great idea for a post! I love your ornaments - please show us photos of your decorated trees? You have out-tree'd me by two - I only have one. I bought the Martha tree before it went on sale (darn it!). I have some Jim Shore Halloween pieces of which I may post photos on my blog. Can't wait to see more of the witch as you work on her this month!

  7. Hi Robin,

    You certainly are a Halloween girl. I love all your ornaments. I will have to get some of them in addition to the Easter ones. The witch is great. You can really finish her before Halloween. I love her. Might be something to add to my stash. Cannot wait to see all your trees decorated.

  8. It's Nancy back with a Haunted House question. I saved the chain stitch between the fence posts for last and realized that the chain must cross the ledge above the bricks. Unless I've missed it, I don't think we've stitched the ledge yet. It looks like a simple Gobelin stitch, but could you let me know what thread Amy uses? Many thanks! When I finish the chains, I'll be done with the 3rd set of instructions - yippee!


  9. Robin, you are a riot. You put us to shame with your three trees and mega-Halloween finery. Love, love, love those ornaments. Cannot wait to see the decorated trees. While Halloween is not my special time, as it is for you, (in fact, it is not my time at all!), I have one tree, one bush, a bunch of pillows, a slew of n.p. ornaments for said tree/bush, 2 Halloween bags & a partridge in a pear tree. No doubt, I can get into more trouble. I see Melissa Shirley's dimensional witchy boot in my near future. It is on a table covered with all manner of Halloween beads, crystals and bling. Thanks for sharing all of your seasonal fun with us.

  10. Hi Ladies,
    Nancy, I am sure Peggy will answer your Halloweenies question.

    Sue V., Linda, Melinda and Missy...i f you only knew how much Halloween meant to me. It all started with a great experience from my dad. Hmmmmm..... Sounds like a good topic for my next blog?

  11. Nancy,
    Forgive me for not responding right away. My mom is having some health issues and I have been focused on that. I asked Amy your question and she was kind enough to provide an answer right away. See it below.

    Tell Nancy (and all) that the instructions and thread will be in the next kit and not to work the chains across there until the ledge is worked. They probably have enough to work the little area that needs the chains but it will be a different dye lot from what they are getting in the next kit so stop where dye lots will not matter.
