
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Making progress.

I use to edit videos for a living for FedEx.  I know more about airplanes than I care to know.  Once I did a segment on fan blade blending.  The jet engines suck a lot of air through what look like giant fans.  The blades get dented by stuff, and that effects flight.  I didn't need to know that!

Anyway, I have come to realize that my stitching style is a lot like the way I use to edit videos.  I would lay down the voice and sound track.  Then I would go back and do the special effects.  I liked to quickly do the easier part and that left me more time to work on special areas.  I seem to I have carried this pattern over to my stitching on the Halloweenies.  I attack different areas that I hope to finish quickly so I can spend more time on the special areas. The only problem is that I run out of time each month.  At FedEx, I was known to stay all night to meet a deadline.  But now that I am retired, I am much less disciplined.  So I ask your forgiveness for not finishing each character each month.

I had planned to stitch all day on Tuesday.  But ended up spending the entire day with my husband.  We slept late.  Then we went to Target, then to Best Buy, then to the bookstore, then to TCBY for ice cream.  Then we went to the grocery and came home and made bean burritos.  Then we went for a two mile walk.  Well, try stitching after a day like that.  But it was a GREAT day!

I hope to get more done during our month off.  I plan to set the house aside and continue with the characters in the months we receive a kit for the House.  I am making progress on Dr. Acula.  But where does the time go?

The October E-Newsletter from Amy's will feature some finished Halloweenie characters.  So look for it at the end of next week.  You can sign up for a newsletter alert here.

Have a great weekend.

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