
Friday, August 6, 2010

HI Guys

Sorry I have been away lately.  I haven't even finished reading the House #3 guide.  I'm so behind on the house anyway, I may return to the Groom this month and actually get him finished.  I will be in touch again soon.



  1. I know, Peggy. I've been sitting in a stupor watching the sweat roll off my nose. This heat has suck all of the creativeness out of my being. Even the cats just lay around and pant. Heat Index of 115 degrees just isn't cool.

  2. Wish I could send you some of our fog!

  3. I'd been missing your posts. I'm glad you're back, even with a note on the reason for your absence. Sometimes we just get behind. I frankly can't figure how you could possibly keep up with the House AND the Halloweenies all at once. Just stitching the House keeps me working away, but loving every stitch. Well, maybe I didn't exactly love EVERY raised stem stitch!

    Hope you're back soon,

  4. Thanks for your kind note Nancy. It is indeed hard to keep up the pace sometimes. I have definitely decided to carry on with the Groom once I finish a Christmas pillow I am working on. I want to get it to the finisher ASAP...before the Christmas rush.

  5. Mark this day in the calendar! August the 8th is the official wedding day of the Bride and Groom (at least in Toronto). They look stunning side-by-side with Frank and Stirha near by as witnesses.

    It has been a bit of work and a whole lot of fun to complete the first four characters. Now I must get to work on the house so that they will all have a place to live. I am still awaiting House #3 kit, but I admit I haven't quite finished all of #2. This is my month to get back on track.

    Has anyone (Amy included) got any ideas for finishing?


  6. Congratulations Lisa. Well done.

    Amy has not decided how she wants to finish her Halloweenie characters. Let's search the net for some finishing ideas. Lots of shops have some finishing displayed on their sites. Send ideas!

  7. The graveyard had been booked for a wedding on August the 8th, so this reporter’s Bride Z. Illa had to leave her Vera Wang gown hanging in the trees on the vines.

    Her satin pumps were left resting on top of a tombstone, and her crown of violets and the hand-tied bouquet of exquisite flowers were placed with care in the mausoleum, so that the flowers remained fresh and perky.

    Dapper Dan with his Dazzling Dentures, took off his wonderful tattered Armani jacket, loosened his bow tie and set down his walking stick.

    He placed his fedora on top of the pumpkin and made himself comfortable for the night. After all, he had eternity to spend with his Bride!!!

    The bridesmaids and groomsmen were not unhappy to have and extra night above ground.

    Rhett scampered amongst the leaves and fallen debris in the graveyard, and the crow left the nest to perch on a nearby tree.

    You see....Lisa, as wedding planner extraordinaire, had pre-booked Shady Rest Garden of Good and Evil for her bridal party last night.

    And so, tonight is the night for this reporter’s wedding.

    Steamy and humid.
    Thunderstorms are marching through.
    The power has been out in the neighbourhood for most of the day (seriously).

    The ceremony begins at 11:00 PM.

    Instead of Kir Royal, the bride and groom have requested Vampire Clicquot Cocktails with a shot of Blood to toast their union. The caterer has prepared mushroom caps filled with spider legs, resting on a bed of bone dust.

    No photos will be published of the event. The bride and groom have sold their story to People Magazine, so pick up your copy next week at your local checkout counter!

    Plans for their wedding trip have not been announced.

    Reported Anonymously by:

  8. Thank you Susan,

    What a wonderful tale. May I copy and paste it into a post for those who don't get to the comments?

  9. WOW! How fortunate for us to voyeur along with Susan's nuptials. This makes me want to pick up my needle and stitch!

    As Rachel Zoe would say, "I die."

  10. Thank you for your kind words Peggy and Robin!

    Peggy, naturally post my contribution to the Study Hall Blog anywhere you feel it appropriate.

    I am honoured!


  11. Yeah, I'm caught up! My characters' house is really taking shape. Absolutely wonderful what threads can do for a canvas. AMY IS AMAZING WITH HER SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND ABILITY. Can't wait for what is next...Judy
