
Sunday, July 4, 2010

Neon Rays-Curling Iron

Well I got precious little done today.  But I did learn a great trick.  At one of Amy's spring Cook-Up classes a participant used a little curling iron to get the kinks out of Neon Rays.  Well I tired it on the Neon Rays for the Groom's teeth.  It works GREAT!!!  I hate pulling on Neon Rays to get the kinks out because it makes it thinner.  So this is the perfect solution.  Below is a tiny curling iron that I will now keep with my stitching supplies.  Who knew?!!


  1. Just got thru in the kitchen and was going to look at the stitch guide once again. I am in agreement about the Neon Rays and pulling makes it thinner. I will be trying the curling iron...I have been showing my granddaughter all the tip with new fibers to her. Can hardly wait to see her face when I bring out the curling iron.

    Thanks Peggy

    Sue VanderNoor

  2. Sue, your granddaughter is going to think you are so cool! Savor the moment! Robin

  3. What a great idea! I think I'll pick one of the little ones up at Target next time I'm there. Thanks Peggy !

  4. Actually, Madonna, it was Peggy's keen ears and eyes which brought us the wonderful Curling Iron tip. But, I'll take the warm & fuzzy thoughts any time I can get them. Oh, and wonderful posting about your Dragonfly. I really love SharonG's artwork. Thanks, Robin

  5. This one was purchased at Bed, Bathe and Beyond for about $20. It is fantastic with the Neon Rays.
