
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Merry Mobile, an Ice Cream Truck needlepoint project begins

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I'd like to tell a little story about my next Needlepoint Study Hall blog topic. I got a wonderful suggestion from Jane/Chilly Hollow about what I might consider for my next stitching project. (She is such a gifted enabler!) With her innocent words: it's summer time... , I started to think about a project I had wanted to do for a long time. Here's some background first.

Pat (my guy!) is from Memphis. His childhood memories of summer included ice cream being served from the Merry Mobile -- a self-propelled carousel ice cream truck unique to Memphis, TN and Louisville, KY in the 1960s. Pat is a photographer and owns Business Visuals. A few years ago after completing a location photo shoot, he ran across an old discarded Merry Mobile in a salvage yard parking lot.

Well, Pat did what he had to do... he photographed the Merry Mobile. Listening to Pat's stories, I could only imagine what it looked like, but now with a photo, I could finally see it. Time had not been kind to the Merry Mobile. Thirty years had passed; it was rusted and faded. Pat showed me the photos and described (with enthusiasm) the former paint scheme, the shiny metal counters, and the jingle of the bells.  One of the first phrases Pat remembers saying was "a nickel and a penny" because that's how much his ice cream cost.

Besides being a talented photographer, Pat also excels at doing Photoshop. It upset him to see his childhood memory all in ruins. Pat decided to bring the Merry Mobile back to life... through Photoshop. On his blog you can read Pat's entry and see the Before & After photos.

OK, you're thinking... what does any of that have to do with needlepoint?

Well, I'm going to stitch the Merry Mobile. Working from Pat's design, I'm going to create a painted canvas. Then I'm going to stitch it. Who knows where this journey will take me? Hope you will join me for the ride.  Thanks, Robin


  1. Very cool project Robin and and lovely idea! Will enjoy watching you.

  2. I'm happy to have accidentally set the Merry Mobile ice cream truck into motion, Robin.

    You'll need a music box for the base....

  3. I am impressed! Maybe a new hand painted canvas designer is about to emerge. Leave it to Jane to inspire another project.

  4. Wow Robin, that is so cool! Another wonderful facet to you! I can't wait to see!

  5. Robin

    Way To Go!!!! I will enjoy coming along on your adventure. Sounds like alot of fun. Jane does keep us all on our toes.

    Sue VanderNoor

  6. Hi Madonna, Jane, SharonG, Anne & Sue. Thanks for all of your kind words. This is going to be a fun adventure because A: I've never painted on a canvas and #2: I've never had such an audience. This will be fun for all.
