
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Grum'es Men

These Grun'es Men match the bridesmaids on the bottom of the Bride Z. Illa canvas.  They sit on a bed of a composite stitch which, like most of the stitches in this series, require excellent counting.  I did the square stitch first, then the other one.  But I had a thought later that it may have been easier to do the smaller stitch first.  As you start this section, ponder whether you should do the square stitch or the other one first.  You may stitch each area between the guys as a separate area.  At least I did.  I had tried to make the pattern work out as if the skulls are sitting on a perfectly counted out area. But each section looked better by putting the square stitch snug on the top left side of each skull.

Spiders next!


  1. Peggy...Judy here. Am now working on haunted nhouse again tryin g to catch up and cannot find the directions for the area around the door. I can see in the pictures that this area is done in satin and a zig-zag but don't know threads and any other directions needed to stitch this area. Somehow I have missed this and having now read the guide for 1 and 2 still don't see it... HELP...please!

  2. Judy,
    Those instructions are coming in the next Haunted House kit. That kit will go out at the end of the month. Maybe you are all caught up!
