
Friday, July 9, 2010

The Groom's shoes.

The groom's shoes are a fun little stitch, but stitching black on black makes it a little harder.  Normally I would do the larger pattern first and then go back and fill in the small accent stitch. But I worked with both threads to fill in the accent as I went along.  That black on black is a struggle for most.  Don't forget to put something white in your lap to help you see the black canvas better.  I use a white pillowcase.  The picture is small because I don't want to give the stitch away to those who are not part of the club.  It's a copyright thing. 

Take a few minutes to cover the lines in the Groom's pants with that marker that was included in your kit.  The guide has us stitch over them with one of my favorite stitches.   Read the instructions carefully to make sure you don't cover the lines that aren't grey.  In this photo I have covered the correct lines.  The remaining white and off-white lines you see here will be stitched later.  I would suggest you do it one night when you are finished stitching for the day. That will give the ink plenty of time to dry before you stitch again.    


  1. If you don't mind me sharing a hint...A little hint for working black on black. Light up the area with an LED light. The blue light changes the surface color to a blue balck so it will contrast with the shadow areas which remain black black to really make the black on black much easier to work with.

    Use the light if you need it or not. It makes a huge difference. And I usually work on a dark surface. The glare of white showing through kills me.

  2. Thank you so much Sharon. I will definitely try that.

  3. Protocol dictates that the shoes should have laces and never buckles, as they say that buckles detract from the elegance of the outfit.
