
Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Groom Stitch Guide

All I have had time to do today is read the stitch guide...three times.  It is full of wonderful directions and great tips.  Big tip...stitch the shoes before stitching the gold and black line borders.  If I was just stitching along in the order the guide was written, I would have stitched those lines before turning the page to see the tip.  And this guide is huge.  I don't think it will be as difficult, as say Stirha Cal Dron, but there are a lot of directions.  There are referrals to past diagrams from other guides too.  You might want to pull those out and put them with this kit so it is ready when you get ready.   I have made a copy of the guide that I can write on and not worry about getting dirty.  I highlight the number of strands and the thread called for in each area in yellow.  Then I highlight the diagram number in pink.  That may be going a bit far,  but it helps me.  So it couldn't hurt.  I am really going to try to finish this guy this month.  I plan to do the background rings last and then stitch the same background on the bride right after that while I have the count in my brain. Don't forget to make a color photocopy of the canvas for placement purposes later.  (Then destroy the copy please!)

Here is Ethan looking over my shoulder.  If he wants to sit in my lap, he just puts a paw on my back and waits for me to clear a space for him.  When I say, "OK!" he gets in my lap.  Cool cat.


  1. So Michael Jackson is marrying Bride Z. Illa!!!! wonders never cease! amy, you did a great job on this one! I love the fur coat! I may just have to make the glove metallic silver though!!

    Happy 4th everyone!
    (hoping my groom is not getting soaked on my front porch at home....)

  2. I'm voting "YES!!" to Amy's thought that perhaps the Halloween Haunted House should be divided into four rather than three lessons! I'm doing my best to keep up (and getting better at the Raised Stem Stitch), but would be very happy to see two more guides come out rather than one giant one. Just my opinion - I'm still loving this canvas and project. It's amazing.

  3. Thanks Peggy

    Looking forward to the Groom and I have some new "toys" for my granddaughter to stitch with coming with the Groom.I love the tips and hints and I am using some of them when I stitch on something else.

    I am in favor of adding another month if Amy needs to. I am behind but not worrying about it since it's all fun and I am enjoying this so much. I have placed all the directions into the Halloween Notebook and that is a lifesaver. Amy was right on target with the notebook.

    Happy 4th to all and hope everyone gets to relax and stitch some.

    Sue VanderNoor

  4. Hello Sue, Nancy and Kathy,

    I could use an extra month too. Either way, this is fun. We will keep stitching till we drop!

  5. Yay!!!! The groom arrived yesterday afternoon. I read the guide once and need to make a copy of the canvas and put it on Evertites. I plan to read the guide a few more times.

    Plan to stay cool and stitch

    Sue VanderNoor

  6. You will notice that some diagram numbers are not correct. It is easy to see the fix.
