
Monday, July 12, 2010

Don't watch TV when you stitch the Vest!

The Grum'e  has a lovely brocade style vest.  And it looks really good if you lay the stitches in tight and straight.  It takes a little concentration to successfully complete it.  You can get into a rhythm,  but TV and husbands can be disruptive.You have another  opportunity here to use that new little flat iron.  I used it on both of the threads used in the vest.

Look closely at the right side of my vest.  I have a small compensated row.  I would rather not have that row, but it will stay in.  You can be aware of it and line it up on the right edge like Amy's.  Compare it to the picture with the guide.  I think it looks a lot better than mine.  Live and learn!

Have a great day, 


  1. Peggy,

    when you use the iron (Chi), do you pull the fiber through it, or just press it in one place? do you just clamp down and then release without moving the fiber?

    (who has 2 grandchildren on the way and therefore has to go back to stocking stitching for awhile)

  2. Hi Kathy,

    I pull the thread through the heated iron. It only takes one pull though the closed iron to make the Neon Rays perfectly straight.

  3. Peggy - I think your vest looks great. I am not particularly happy with mine but I'm not taking it out. I had a hard enough time getting it stitched! I am so happy you told us about the Neon Rays and the flat iron. It makes such a difference! You will get a lot of use out of it when stitching the pants. I have moved on from the pants to the coat. Like you I stitched the velvet lapels first. I think the velvet has enough substance and weight to it to bring it out from the coat stitches. I have only stitched one side of the coat but I think the lapel stands out nicely from the coat stitches.
