
Monday, April 19, 2010

Obligations & Wonderful Opportunities

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

I wanted to share with you what's been going on in my world.

Remember when I taught Kelly Clark's Katt Z. Witch class in January 2010 at the Long Beach TNNA Winter Market ? It was such an exciting time & opportunity.

While in Long Beach, I met another designer, Judee from Needle Deeva. (Step into the Way-Back Machine with me... remember Vicky De Angelis won 1st place at ANG ... she stitched the Needle Deeva's Halloween Town. Yes, the same Needle Deeva wanted me to design a Stitch Guide for a new canvas! OMG... can you believe it?!) I am currently stitching one of her new designs (to be released June 2010) for another teaching experience at the June 2010 Columbus TNNA Market. Lucky you... here's a preview.

I have put down all of my other stitching distractions to focus on this deadline. (Yes, Floating Cat Balloon... I will get back to you...) It has been really fun to stitch this project. I will design the Stitch Guide, and it will be available through the Needle Deeva website. For the TNNA class, I plan to finish it into the Stirling Self-Finishing Shoulder Bag. Photos to come... stay tuned.

I know that Peggy is furiously stitching Frank, and is having a grand time. Next on the Halloweenies agenda is Kit #2 for the Halloweenies Haunted House. Who knew Amy Bunger had carpentry skills? (I did!) And, for all of you doing the Halloweenies characters... just wait until you see Zombie Bride-Zilla! What a whoot! Kelly Clark & Amy B. continue their magic.

Ouch, these Tap Shoes are starting to pinch. I will hand the show over to Peggy. Just wanted to let you know what's going on in my world... obligations and wonderful opportunities, indeed. Thanks, Robin


  1. Congratulations! This sounds like quite an honour.. but I'm sure you are up to it.

    I've been working away on Frank and have a question about he kitty's whiskers. I can't find reference for them anywhere. I'm sure they are there, just escaping my eyes. Could you tell me what thread the are using?

    The sneak preview of the second part of the house in the newsletter is enticing! I LOVE the moon.

    Keep stitching (and stitch guiding)


  2. Way to go, Robin!!!! How exciting and very deserving. Thrilled for you and look forward to seeing the finished canvas. Bet it will be beautiful.

    Sue VanderNoor

  3. Hi Jan...Peggy here. The Kitty whiskers are stitched with Kreinik size 4, #101 Platinum. I have miss everyone. I will start blogging again tomorrow.

  4. Jan, I am going to double check that whisker thead. So don't stitch it just yet.


  5. Thanks, everybody.

    And, woo-hoo... Peggy saves the day. OK, Ladies. Pick up that Kreinik size 4, and make that Kitty proud!

  6. oops... twinkie.
    Make sure you do what is stated by Amy's stitch guide & Peggy's confirmation.

  7. Congratulations, that's really an honor and you'll be great at it.

  8. The cat's whiskers are indeed stitched with Kreinik Size4, #101
