
Sunday, April 11, 2010


Life has interfered with my stitching time.  So I have no progress to report.

I hope you are enjoying more stitching time than I am!


  1. Sorry to hear that. Hope everything is okay. Last month was like that for me.... didn't even get to Stirha.
    Frank is coming a long okay. I found it hard to get the rythm of the smoking jacket stitch at first. The compensating stitches were tricky. But it's done and I'm moving on to the pants and t-shirt. I'm eyeing the pocket and can't quite figure out how the press and seal comes into play. I think I might wait on that one. He's quite a daper fellow.

    Hope things slow down for you soon.


  2. I join Jan in hoping everything is ok with you. Life has a way of interfering with our stitch time, doesn't it? Jan, I also had trouble getting in to a rythem with the jacket stitch. I spent a frustrating amount of time on the left side but finally figured it out and breezed through the right side of the jacket. I love the velvet lapels! Does anyone know what the stitch and thread is for the collar of the t-shirt? I've looked through the stitch guide but haven't found it yet. Is it just a satin stitch in the darker blue/purple color? Frank's face turned out nicely thanks to Amy's stitch diagram. Hope everyone is having fun!

  3. Peggy:

    I completely understand. I was in the hospital for five days two weeks ago. I also hope that everything is okay with you.


  4. Life can be funny that way. It can move at snail's pace or at warp speed. However, I find that needlepoint can be just the right therapy. The hardest days are easier, and even a few stitches make a busy day seem fulfilling.

    I am pleased to report that Susan and I have both completed Stirha - just in time. Frank arrived today! Tonight will be getting him settled on his frame and getting familiar with the guide. Like Jan says, for a big monster, he is a daper fellow


  5. Melinda, I think the stitch description for the collar is described at the bottom of the tshirt paragraph. It's straight vertical satin with Burmilana 3641.

    I haven't got there yet... am working on the pants and decided because of the dark colour I would wait until tomorrow in natural light. It's a fairly straight forward stitch going down... coming back up is a little tricky in bad light. :( I wish it was warmer here... I would work outside for a bit.

    Lisa, you are receiving your kits about a week later than me. (The mailmen must like me better than you. :) )


  6. Oh, I so relate to this! Hope your stitching life picks up soon!

  7. Thanks for your help Jan. I figured the details were somewhere and I just couldn't see it.

    Any hints on working the stitch on the pants? It's giving me trouble. I was ok for the first two rows - down and up - especially since those rows were charted but then I got completely confused on how to start the third row. I've progressed a few rows beyond what was charted but I'm not sure that they have been stitched correctly. Maybe I'm making up a new stitch? We'll see!

  8. Jan, it does seem like you have a better relationship with you mailman! However, it doesn't matter (that much!?!) to us. The extra week has allowed us to complete Stirha (wow ... she is gorgeous!) and allowed the anticipation to build for Frank.

    Frank is on the frame and I read the guide cover to cover last night. Nobody has yet talked about the fact we have to hand dye our muslin in a cup of coffee! What fun!

    The first few stitches will begin tonight. I love everyone's comments on the jacket. Please keep posting. It is so helpful to learn from others!

