
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Franks pants explained

Amy has recommended that we turn Frank a quarter turn to the right to work the pants in horizontal rows. Work the first row from right to left, following the numbers. Then each lower row has each entry stitch always one hole below the entry hole above it as you go from side to side. I haven't tried it yet, but it looks like it will go smoother that way.

And this is how is should look when you are finished (not my stitching). Isn't that overdyed thread just great? Save the compensation stitches for last.

But if this doesn't work for you, I have found a stitch in Julia Key H. Snyder's book, Categories for Needlepoint Stitches, called "Back and Forth Herringbone". It looks very much like the one we are trying to stitch. Talk to you later.

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