
Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Face

Please make sure to follow the diagram for Stirha's face.  This is one of those times when Amy would say, "ignore the painted canvas".  I stitched by color till I realized some things were not coming out right.   So be  sure to use Diagram #8.  With that being said, it is really fun to see her face come to life.


  1. Thanks for the advice, Peggy! Stirha's face is the best part of this piece, in my opinion!!

  2. Hi Everyone....

    Lisa and I still have not received our shipments and are now officially twelve days behind schedule. We live in big they have to be stalled in Customs.

    Perhaps an agent there will have started our stitching for us!!!

    Everyone send positive thoughts so that we do not lose another weekend!!!


  3. Rats, Susan! That is not what I hoped to hear. Do you think maybe everything got bogged down due to the Olympics? Or is this the norm?

    Kathy, I want to thank you. Somehow, you got me thinking about a floor stand thru one of your posts. It is due to arrive on Tuesday, and I can't wait. I got so tired of bouncing the Haunted House on my knees!


  4. Susan...
    How sad... mine came last Thursday, less than 2 weeks after they said they mailed it. Are you in the Toronto area as well? I wish there was a way to clear these packages faster... :(

    I'm starting mine tonight and shall stitch very very slowly.. :)


  5. Cindy, I am so happy for you to get a floor stand. If you are a serious stitcher, which I know you are, you simply MUST have a floor stand. What kind did you get?

  6. This is when Stirha/Amy cast their magic spells!

  7. Cindy,

    You will love the floor stand! I don't know how I managed without one previously. I plan do do lots of stockings for grandchildren, and have Amy's Christmas house and stitch guide, all large pieces. I used to use scroll bars, but love the large frames. I'm not sure when I will get to my other projects though---Amy keeps making these wonderful home study pieces!!!

    let us know how you like it!!

  8. Peggy -- the floor stand I purchased is a Needlework System 4. I admit, I did not do a lot of research. But, Mary Corbet's review of the System 4 was the first thing that came up on Google. It was an in depth review, and many folks chirped in with comments that agreed with her review.

    Looks like it's easy to set up, so I should be up and running with it by Tuesday night. The LNS I purchased it from said it will increase my stitching "efficiency". YAY! :)

    Happy stitching weekend to all--

