
Monday, February 8, 2010

Our turn!

Memphis has snow!  When I woke up this morning it was very quiet and very bright.  I knew something was up.  Yes, we have a couple of inches of snow.  Amy sent her dog Baxter out to confirm the existence of the white stuff.  While I LOVE working at the shop,  I HATE driving in the wet stuff.  So I have a grown-up snow day.  And what do you think I will do today?

I am going to repeat the comment I made on the last post so everyone will get the message that I/we think the best starting point for the green areas around the lower windows of the Haunted House is the section with the spider. It lets you set the stitch and the shading in your head before you get to the narrow areas.  Thanks again to Melinda for sharing her tip.

Be safe out there!


  1. It's HERE! It's here! Finally... Murphy's law.. I had given up waiting and had just started (I mean 4 stitches into it) a new little project, when the door bell rang. I am soo excited. I can re-read the entries now and have a little more understanding about what you are doing. Now to set it up and try to get caught up!

    Hope my other fellow Canadians get theirs today as well. :)

  2. That's great news, Jan. And, you get to benefit from Peggy's most recent posting. Be sure & let us know if there are any other pearls of wisdom you discover while stitching. We ALL learn in Needlepoint Study Hall.

  3. Yeah Jan! The other two Canadian coffins arrived today too. I think it takes a good two weeks for a parcel to make it from Memphis.

    The three Canucks will have to do a little catch up, but, as stated before, we will benefit from those that have gone before us.

    The roof will be started this evening.

  4. I learned a valuable lesson tonight that I wanted to pass along to everyone. I was looking at Peggy's photo (above) of the area that I am stitching and noticed that she had not stitched over the body of the spider - as I had done. If I had taken a second look at the instructions, I would have noticed that we are to stitch over the LEGS of the spider, not the body. It's not a big deal because I just need to remove one row to get back to the spider body so that I can free up that area. Just wanted to urge everyone to read the instructions carefully and, then,
    reread the instructions! Love seeing pictures of the snow - not something we see much of down here in Georgia (at least not in the east central part of Georgia!). I wish I had a snow day!

  5. Peggy

    The Study Hall is a wonderful way to do a home study and the tips and pictures are very helpful. Hope to finish the roof this evening and then onto the walls. Everyhone that has lots of snow drive safely and keep warm. We here in Californioa are going to have more rain.

    Sue VanderNoor

  6. Oh No! Another project I want to stitch! Yikes! If I live long enough to hit my century, I might have time to finish all of my needlepoint and craft projects...(Assuming I don't add any more to the pile - good luck with that, right?)Oh well, happy stitchin'...
    An encyclopedia of needlepoint stitches…
