
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Green walls


I have done the wall behind the rails of the balcony.  Don't stitch over the heavy posts as I did.  I caught it quickly.

I like the way Amy has broken down the sections in the second story.  I did the middle sections first as we don't have to worry about shading there.  The shading really comes in when you stitch the other sides.  So I stitched the center area for the 2nd and 3rd floors in perfect mindless bliss.  After all, Bargello was my first love.  I like the way Amy has changed the stitch on each area a little too.  It gives the facade some character.

I referred to one of the extra pictures that came with the guide a lot.  Amy included just enough of each section to be of help to us who need more direction.  It's just reassuring to know you are on the right path.

So how is everyone coming along?


  1. You're really moving along Peggy! I'm still on the first floor! I have one more window to do and then I'll be ready for the balcony. I like the way the shading on the walls makes the arched windows recede. Until I stitched the walls on the right side of the house, I didn't really see the columns at all but now they stand out. I'm looking forward to the more open spaces of the second floor and the "mindless bliss" you referred to!

  2. I finished the outline on the roof and have started the shingles. Was wondering about the coverage though. The eyelet stitches leave a lot of the canvas showing. Is that what you found as well? Is it less noticeable when it is completed? I am perservering!

    I just wanted to say that I LOVE this blog. I check it every day to see where you are. I feel like I am in a classroom, only I can wear pyjamas. It's great to see other pictures, here other tips, and see other people make the odd mistake. (I found myself reversing the continental stitch twice when turning the canvas! BLAH) Great job!

  3. Janstone, I accidentally deleted your comment so I reposted it above. Sorry about that. Darn computers...

    Anyway, don't worry about the coverage. This is a Haunted House that is falling apart. It will look great. You could have left the reverse continental. Sometimes "a mistake becomes a design element."

  4. Doing well, Peggy. I have completed the roof and am onto first floor green walls. It is very soothing, I agree. Lots less laying tool required than I had to use for the roof.

    Moving right along. Do you know if each of these segments --- house and characters -- is supposed to take us about a month?

  5. I agree that the blog is wonderful!! It is so much like a real needlepoint group where I am motivated to stitch, so it helps me remember to try to keep up (which I really DO want to do!)

    However, I am a tad behind (no surprise). My creativity gets in my way. I LOVE the eyelets. But, the other day I was wondering what would happen if I tried something a bit different on some of the other shingles to make them look like the shingle is missing. when I get off track like that, I wonder later why I didn't just follow the stitch guide, and save time!! oh well, I guess that is my nature to experiment!

    Anyway, I have down the edges of the shingles, and the walls behind the balcony railings. I've done half my eyelets and a couple of other shingles.

    This weekend I won't be able to work on it because we are going to the lake with the new puppy, meeting my son, DIL, and 14m old grandson. I figure I will have my hands full! I may take a small project though.

    Maybe I can catch up next week.

    Peggy and Robin, thanks for this blog!!! I love it!

  6. Peggy,
    You are doing a great job on your house and the blog. Your pictures are very helpful.
    I am just finishing up the first floor walls.
    Thank you for all your helpful tips.

  7. We will have 4 months for the house, broken up by a a character each month. See the schedule at So next month we will do Stirha Cal-dron, then April we will do Frank N Stein, then back to a portion of the house. So we have till the end of this month to stitch everything in the guide we now have. You'll have to try to stitch a little everyday. But then I do that anyway!
