
Monday, September 30, 2013

Peggy McGowan

Hi Everybody... Robin here...

It's a sad day today on the Needlepoint Study Hall blog. I heard that Peggy McGowan and her sister were killed in a car accident yesterday. Her niece is in critical condition. So sad for the family's loss. Sad for our loss, too.

It was Peggy who created the Needlepoint Study Hall blog. She was stitching the Halloweenies at the time, and wanted to create to a Study Hall format for others who were stitching the same epic series.

Peggy had asked me to join as a co-writer to the blog. Anyone who writes a blog knows life can get between you and the keyboard; soon one day passes to a week(s) without any blog entries. Having a co-writer helps to keep the readers entertained.

I was thrilled to be asked and have enjoyed contributing to the blog. A few years ago, Peggy got sick with cancer and told me wouldn't be blogging because she needed to focus on getting better. I told her the blog door would always be open for her return. Peggy did get better and overcame cancer!

Soon after Peggy's good health news, her husband Rob got bad news: non-Hodgkins lymphoma. The tumor kept growing and on November 2012, Peggy lost her soul mate.

I recently saw Peggy at Stitchers Inc. She was picking up some threads for a needlepoint project. She was looking good. She had regained that twinkle in her eyes. Today's news is a kick in the gut and lets us know how temporary life really is.

So in this tribute to Peggy, I would like to shine a light on some of the other phases of her life. There are two wonderful links with interviews from Peggy and Rob.

Robert McGowan

Peggy McGowan

Peggy's early career was one of the first camerawomen in the Television industry. Award winner, even. Yes, Peggy won an Emmy award for "Best Camera Operator" on Dick Clark's Live Wednesday in 1978. Peggy was the first woman to win the award.  I saw it in her house displayed under her husband's ceramic artwork. She had many nominations, too. Oh, the stories she would tell.

Peggy McGowan accepting her Emmy Award.

A very talented couple: Rob and Peggy McGowan

I met Peggy during her needlepoint phase of her life. She worked at Stitchers Inc and then at Amy's Golden Strand. Her passion for stitching was pure. She would often remark, "Oh, those threads are so yummy!"

Peggy was a quilter, a cat lover, and enjoyed Halloween. She loved Daffodils. Peggy was a gentle soul. I am so glad to have met her. I thank her each day for this blogging opportunity.

If you would like to read any/all of Peggy's blog entires, you can see her name on the Right Column of the blog under Previous Topics. Click on her name and all entires are bundled together.

Hugs to all of you, and Peggy, too...   Robin


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. I knew Peggy only through the blog and occasional phone conversations when I was stitching the Home Study Haunted House. I am wishing comfort to you and to all her friends and family.

  2. God bless her, her niece & her family.... I'm so sorry to hear this news . She sounded like a wonderful person to have as a friend ... Life is short & we have to enjoy every moment . I Get so much joy from this hobby & have made so many friends bc of it,
    Sometimes it feels like our needlepoint friends are family. I'll prey for her.

  3. Thank you so much for writing this and sharing the links. So sad today for the loss.

  4. I am heartbroken over this. I met Peggy at an Amy Cook up Class and she encouraged me to start blogging and said it was so easy! I would never have a problem. Peggy was a wonderful person and I'm sure will be missed by ALL her friends...I am glad to have met her. Linda

  5. Thank you for your tribute to our Peggy. We loved her so much and art heartbroken by her loss. She was such a big part of the McGowan family too, and after the loss of Rob, we all remained close and got together often. We are still in shock and miss her so much already. Laura Moodie and the McGowan Family

  6. I just found out today from Rob’s publisher that Peggy died in a traffic accident.
    Robert McGowan's book, “Current – essays on the passing of time in the woods” was just published in mid-September. I had made the 55 images that illustrate his essays but never got to meet him since the publication process was just beginning when he passed away.
    I was so looking forward to meeting Peggy. We would have both gotten our initial copies in late September and I asked the publisher if she heard from Peggy. She said “Rob's wife, Peggy, is just thrilled. She told me she cried when she opened the box of books”.
    I am so glad she got to see the book that fulfilled one of Rob’s dreams. But I feel like I lost a friend that I never met.

    Jeffrey Stoner

  7. I was a neighbor of Rob and Peggy's for almost a decade. They were two of the most wonderful people in the world. I am so heartbroken to hear of her passing. Thank you for this tribute.
