
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Memphis Needlepointers - part 1

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

One enjoyment about teaching needlepoint is seeing the final results. I might nudge them in a certain direction with stitch suggestions, but it is the stitcher who holds the needle. Their flair and interpretation makes each finished piece unique and wonderful.

There are some delightful ladies who join me for Saturday canvas enhancements in Memphis. Originally, we began stitching at Amy's Golden Strand. Currently, we are at Stitchers Inc. owned by Jan Wentz.

Vicky Rimstidt has been with me the longest. Her range of canvases keeps me on my toes. You might remember some of these stitched by Vicky: Jungle Friends by Jean Smith, and Cat Walk and Dog Walk by Sharon G.

Recently, Vicky finished Blaze (Leigh Deigns #5800). We had the best time on this project. The Leigh Designs canvas was so beautifully painted, so Vicky was game for some open canvas stitches.

One of my most favorite stitches is from Brenda Hart called Diamonds and Pearls. Often I might suggest it as a background stitch, but this time we stitched it for the Horse's body. Love the look.

Another Memphis stitcher is Maelyse Webb. Perhaps you remember the Thanksgiving Group stitched by Maelyse during my Saturday canvas enhancement classes?

Thanksgiving Group by Rebecca Wood
Stitched by Maelyse Webb

Maelyse just finished another beauty: Doggie Day Care by Chris Roberts-Antieau (formerly by Maggie Co.) We had the best time. You can see, right? Who doesn't love a 13 mesh canvas.

These dogs are having too much fun.

Nell Harris travels to Memphis from Little Rock, AR. That's about a 125 mile journey (one way). What an honor. Last year we worked on this Snowy Santa Claus Stocking for her grandson.

Snowy Santa Claus Stocking
Mary Lake Thompson (MLT 01-A)
Melissa Shirley Designs
Stitched by Nell Harris • Stitch Guide by Robin King

Recently Nell finished the Chair. Again, there is a lot to be said about letting the painted canvas show through your stitching.

Open canvas work and Basketweave.

Fran Tylavsky (Research Dr. and Confectioner genius behind Frantic Chocolates) stitches with advanced spirit and speed.

Fran's first piece was the Alexa Stocking. Not only did she stitch it in only a few months, she finished it as well for her daughter-in-law.

Alexa Stocking #7228
Stitched by Fran Tylavsky
Stitch suggestions from Robin King

Recently, Fran stitched the Comedy Tragedy Masks for her daughter. Again, we both loved working on the 13 mesh canvases.

Michelle, Marlene, Benita, Georgette, Linda, Jamie, Laura, and Karen have been busy stitching, too. I will share their progress and accomplishments with you next time.

Until then... Hugs, Robin


  1. WOW! Very talented group you've got there, Robin. Bet you are so proud of them all!

  2. Hi Jane. Yes. I am very proud of each of them. I have compiled a 4-part series showcasing each person's recent finishes. I learn so much from them, too. Hugs to you.

  3. A four part series?! Gosh, I cannot wait to see all the work. Thanks for sharing. Please tell your students I think they are fabulous!

  4. Robin, this is day maybe I will have something to showcase :) I so enjoy stitching with all these smart, talented women and of course, with you at the helm there ain't no stopping us.

  5. Hi Michelle. Thanks for stopping by the blog. Your completed project is on the horizon. It's only a longer journey because of all of your working hours. We are so lucky to have you. Hugs. Robin

  6. Robin what stitch did you use on the greyish lookin part of the Lee stocking.
