
Friday, October 5, 2012

Brenda & Charley & me

Hi Everybody... Robin here.

Why is the needlepoint world in the fastest Time Warp? sent me my reminder to "check in"... what?? Really? I just started stitching! What do you mean I have to leave?

As you can imagine... This has been a fun day.

First, I selected my canvas. After all, it was a canvas embellishment class with Brenda Hart. (Come on Robin, get with it!)

Luckily, In Stitches has an awesome selection of canvases. So many... Wait. What do I see?

A Charley Harper? OMG. Be still my heart. Bam pulled it off the wall, taped it, attached it stretcher bars... And then it was my turn. Gulp. #bucketmoment

Enter Stage right: HC-G164... Gift Rapt.

Don't you love the name?

My turn with Brenda. She discusses the raccoons. Then, she begins the borders. I am taking furious notes. I pull her suggested threads Wow. Love the look.

Many of her inspirations came from her books. You have them, don't you.  If not, order them from your LNS.  Here are the titles:

  • Favorite Stitches  by Brenda Hart
  • Favorite Stitches II by Brenda Hart
  • Stitches for the Millennium by Brenda Hart

After lunch were more packages stitches. I am now looking at her books in a whole new light.

Also want a fun stitch? Check out F-106 in Jo Christensen's book.

Class was over. Purchases were made. I reviewed my notes and my new stash. Can't wait to stitch again.

Tomorrow is my last day. Until then... Robin


  1. I have seen this canvass and I love it! I am bringing a Charlie Harper canvass as well!

  2. Love your new canvas, Robin. Please share as you stitch on it!! Your time with Brenda sounds wonderful...on my bucket list, but discussing stitches on one of my canvases with you is also on my bucket list!! Safe travels!

    Hugs, Donnelle Anderson

  3. Cute canvas. What a fun class with a bunch of fun people. Keep us posted on your progress. I am really looking forward to seeing it.

  4. Robin,

    This has to be, by far, the cutest Charlie Harper Canvas I have ever seen. Please, please, post your progress.

  5. I LOVE those Charley Harper raccoon canvases!!! My favorite is the one with pink & green watermelon! I saw it this summer at LNS then a couple of days later a real raccoon got in my kitchen thru the cat door. No more cat door for my gang. It's all nailed shut!
